24 September 2015. Story of the room - The stories celebrated in this room - The purpose of this room and the technology that enables it.


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Presentation transcript:

24 September 2015

Story of the room - The stories celebrated in this room - The purpose of this room and the technology that enables it

The Sponsors: Dignity Health, Ireland American Fund, Matching Gift from Maureen & Craig Sullivan (US); Donations from Sisters of Mercy Architect: Tim Lavin Construction : James Quinn & Crew Graphic Designers: Vermillion led by Anne Brady with Copywriter Dermott Barrett and Printer Peter Nutley ( Graphic & Display Systems) Technology: Chris McCabe and Myles Lally (VIisutek) Content on Screen: MIA Staff and volunteer Elizabeth McNamee rsm

Mercy around the World:

Blessed are you, Welcoming God. As your people come and go from this room be their constant companion on the way, so that coming and going they may be sustained by your presence. Bring to this room both friend and stranger and touch them with your gift of Mercy. May all who gather here be inspired to continue in faithfulness to the legacy of Catherine McAuley. Bless the presenters that work in this place, and fill them with zeal for Mercy and Justice

- May God bless and reward the women of Mercy whose vision inspired the empowerment of generations of young poor and oppressed people in this class room - R. Merciful God, graciously hear us - May God bless and give increase to the new foundations that were discerned and sent forth from this community room to the five continents of the world and that now minister Mercy in 44 countries of the world. - R. Merciful God, graciously hear us

- May God bless all who come on visits and pilgrimages to this room. May it be for them a place of hospitality, nourishment and challenge. R. Merciful God, graciously hear us - May God bless all who have contributed to the refurbishment of this room – the donors for their generosity, the planners for their creativity, the workers for their excellence and skill. - R. Merciful God, graciously hear us

We dedicate this room to you and your work as the God of Mercy. May it be a place of renewal and refreshment for those who come seeking a depthing in the story of Mercy A place of hope for those who are looking for meaning in their ministry A place of encouragement for those who hunger and thirst for mercy and justice, A place of vision and inspiration for all those who seek to bring God’s compassion to a suffering world

May the blessing of this house- A house Imagined in unlikeness, Dreamt with daring, Built with Love, Founded on mercy- Speak to your spirit In whatever place you are called to Mercy Amen ( Mary Wickham rsm ) And may the Blessing of almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Come upon you and remain with you forever

You are salt for the earth, O people, salt for the city of God! Share the flavor of life, O people: life in the kingdom of God! Refrain Bring forth the kingdom of mercy, bring forth the kingdom of peace. Bring forth the kingdom of justice, bring forth the kingdom of God!

You are a light on the hill, O people, light for the city of God! Shine so holy and bright, O people: shine for the kingdom of God! Refrain Bring forth the kingdom of mercy, bring forth the kingdom of peace. Bring forth the kingdom of justice, bring forth the kingdom of God!

You are a seed of the word, O people, bring forth the kingdom of God! Seeds of mercy and seeds of justice, grow in the kingdom of God! Refrain Bring forth the kingdom of mercy, bring forth the kingdom of peace. Bring forth the kingdom of justice, bring forth the kingdom of God!

We are the bless'd and a pilgrim people, bound for the kingdom of God! Love our journey and love our homeland: love is the kingdom of God! Refrain Bring forth the kingdom of mercy, bring forth the kingdom of peace. Bring forth the kingdom of justice, bring forth the kingdom of God!