The physics of inflation and dark energy 1.3 Dark energy: some evidence (short list) Ages of glob. clusters/galaxies at z~2-3: m 0.6 SN Ia: - m 0.3 CMB: + m 1.0 Large scale motions: 0.15 m 0.4 Cluster mass function: m 0.3 Bottom line: many indep. hints that m 0.35 0.65 0.0)
The physics of inflation and dark energy + 2. How to achieve acceleration Newtonian physics ? DENIED...only mass is a source for gravity in Newtonian physics Einstein’s theory ? density and pressure are components of a tensor (the stress-energy tensor T ab ) and both are sources for gravity 2.1 Physical basis => gravity is always attractive... => gravity can be “repulsive” (cosmologically) if pressure is sufficiently negative !
The physics of inflation and dark energy 2.2 Einstein, Friedman, de Sitter... FRW geometry: p<- /3: acceleration p>- /3: decceleration Friedman equations:
The physics of inflation and dark energy 2.3 Can pressure ever be negative? General equation of state : p X = w X X w X w X t
The physics of inflation and dark energy 2.4 Pressure and energy density conservation Energy conservation law in FRW: w X constant: If X is dominant: w Rad = 1/3 w Dust = 0 w = -1 w X =...
The physics of inflation and dark energy 2.5 Life in an accelerating spacetime v = c Horizon: R horizon = H -1