CESM WG co-chair meeting March
Announcements/Updates CSL Usage: Development: 73%/113% for 30/90 day (150%/133% cut off) Production: 128%/179% for 30/90 day (220%/190% cut off) Extension to CSL will appear May 1 LandIce/Paleo/CCVWG meeting updates Gokhan’s seminar today! Other updates/announcements? NO MEETING NEXT WEEK (BVSD SPRING BREAK)
CISM Development Timeline June, 2013 (CESM1.2) June, 2014 June, 2015 (CESM1.3) June, 2016 (CESM2) CISM1 physics (SIA) CISM2 code base included in CESM One-way coupling (no feedbacks from CISM to other components) Physics Coupling Dycore CISM2 stand-alone release Runoff / calving fluxes -> POP CISM2 in CESM (nominal sci. support) Two-way coupling with CISM1 physics (and ideally CISM2) Two-way coupling with CISM2 physics Development & testing of robust CISM2 dycore Testing of CESM-CISM2 coupled system Additional testing and support for CESM-CISM2 (relative to 1.3 release) Scientific validation of two-way coupling with CISM2 physics CISM2 physics (parallel, 3d, 1 st -order accurate dycore) test & validate parallel conservation of mass & energy schemes test & validate working isostasy for CISM2 in CESM; test & validate enthalpy scheme for energy conservation Glacier areas -> CLM Topography -> CAM (no immediate plans to bring to trunk) Complete conservation Limited support for Antarctica Scientific evaluation of two-way coupling V & V toolkit (in collab. w/ PISCEES) CISM2 in CESM (additional sci. support) CISM2 physics (parallel, 3d, 1 st -order accurate dycore)
CVCWG Timeline CESM2.0 Release LE data Complete 30 member LE Decadal prediction ½° Single forcing at ¼° ¼°CAM5-SE AMIP and coupled including full suite Perturbed physics: land and atmos Time slices at ¼° CESM1-IAM 1° Decadal Prediction CESM1/GLIMMER-CISM Hurricane effects (CCSM4 1°) BGC RCP runs at 1° Complete CESM1-CAM5 single forcing runs CESM2/BGC at ¼° 1/8° CAM5-SE Time slices at 1/8° Decadal prediction ¼° 5-member AMIP CAM5 1° and ¼° (1900-present) 8-member POGA w/o radiative forcing changes CESM1/CAM5 (1920-pres)
PaleoWG update March 2014 Last Millennium (LM) “mini-MOAR” simulation to be started this week. Plan to submit LM ensemble to CMIP6; requires DECK experiments to be completed with CESM1.1.1(CAM5) FV2x1. Release of LM simulation ensemble in Fall Stable water and carbon isotope coupling among components: discussions needed among relevant WGs Plan to support tools for creating datasets for paleo runs only for CESM1.1.1 and later.
PaleoWG CESM2 development (in progress) Abiotic radiocarbon in POP2 Biotic carbon isotopes in POP2 CESM1.3 coupled water isotopes June 2014 June 2015 June 2016 Pa/Th and Neodymium Carbon isotopes in CAM5 and coupler Water isotopes in CAM5, POP2, coupler Water isotopes in CLM4.5 CICE4, RTM CESM1.3 coupled carbon isotopes Carbon isotopes in RTM (?) Transition carbon isotopes to CAM6, CLM5 Transition water isotopes to CAM6, CLM5, CICE5