1 ME 660 Intermediate Acoustics Joe Vignola Office: Pangborn G43 Phone: Cell: Class Location:Building 40, San Francesco room Time: Wednesday, ? Office Hours: Tuesdays, 1:00-2:00 PM Class Webpage:
2 Class Webpage All the notes, assignments and other information is / will be posted on the class webpage I generally keep it current but I am constantly updating the notes.
3 Text There are at least eight good general acoustics texts on the market today Rossing and Fletcher, Principles of Vibration and SoundPrinciples of Vibration and Sound Berg and Stork, The Physics of SoundThe Physics of Sound Kinsler and Frey, Fundamental of AcousticsFundamental of Acoustics Finch, Introduction to AcousticsIntroduction to Acoustics Fahy, Foundations of Engineering AcousticsFoundations of Engineering Acoustics Blackstock, Fundamentals of Physical AcousticsFundamentals of Physical Acoustics Pierce, Acoustics, An Introduction to its Physical Principles…Acoustics, An Introduction to its Physical Principles… Morse and Ungard, Theoretical AcousticTheoretical Acoustic
4 Text There are at least eight good general acoustics texts on the market today Rossing and Fletcher, Principles of Vibration and SoundPrinciples of Vibration and Sound Berg and Stork, The Physics of SoundThe Physics of Sound Kinsler and Frey, Fundamental of AcousticsFundamental of Acoustics Finch, Introduction to AcousticsIntroduction to Acoustics Fahy, Foundations of Engineering AcousticsFoundations of Engineering Acoustics Blackstock, Fundamentals of Physical AcousticsFundamentals of Physical Acoustics Pierce, Acoustics, An Introduction to its Physical Principles…Acoustics, An Introduction to its Physical Principles… Morse and Ungard, Theoretical AcousticTheoretical Acoustic Kinsler and Frey is by far the most commonly used text
5 Text We will be using the text by Kinsler and Frey, Fundamentals of Acoustics The first edition was written in 1950 The fourth edition was published in 2000
6 Text We will be using the text by Kinsler and Frey, Fundamentals of Acoustics The first edition was written in 1950 The fourth edition was published in 2000 The principle weaknesses of this book and the others is the lack of signals oriented material Matlab homework problems
7 ME 660 Course Topics Acoustics review: Posted Notes Chapter 7 Radiation and Reception Chapter 8 Attenuation Chapter 9 Cavities and Waveguides Chapter 10 Pipes, Resonators and Filters
8 Other CUA Acoustics Classes ME 560 Introduction to acoustics Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Vibrations Chapter 2: Vibrations of Strings (first five sections) Chapter 5: The Acoustic Wave Equation Chapter 6: Reflection and Transmission of Sound Text: Kinsler and Frey
9 Other CUA Acoustics Classes ME 660 Intermediate Acoustics Acoustics Review: chapter 2 of Acoustic Metrology Chapter 7: Attenuation Chapter 8: Cavities and Waveguides Chapter 9: Pipes, resonators and Filters Chapter 10: Reflection and Transmission of Sound Text: Kinsler and Frey
10 Other CUA Acoustics Classes ME 760 Advanced Acoustics I Chapter 11: Noise, Signal Detection and Hearing Chapter 12: Architectural Acoustics Chapter 13: Environmental Acoustics Chapter 15: Ocean Acoustics Text: Kinsler and Frey
11 Other CUA Acoustics Classes ME 564 Structural Acoustics Structural vibrations Wave propagation in elastic solids Radiation of sound from elastic structures Text Theoretical Acoustics of Underwater Structures by E. A. Skelton and J. H. James you can purchase this book from the publisher for $99 or Amazon for $140publisherAmazon Supplemental Text Sound, Structures, and their interactions By M. C. Junger and D. Feit, available from the Acoustical Society for $23 (members) or $41 (nonmembers)Acoustical Society
12 Other CUA Acoustics Classes ME 661 Acoustic Metrology Digital Recording Passive Acoustic Measurements Active Acoustic Measurements Impedance Tube Measurements Acoustics Materials Text: Vignola, Acoustic Metrology
13 Other CUA Acoustics Classes ME 703 Advanced Problems in Acoustics I Acoustics Review Integral Transforms Spatial and Temporal Fourier Transform Convolution Wave Equations Strings Beams Membranes Plates Rayleigh Waves Ocean Wave Text: Vignola, Acoustic Metrology
14 Other CUA Acoustics Classes ME 761 Acoustic Imaging Biomedical imaging Seismic imaging for geological research and oil and gas exploration Side scanning sonar / SAS synthetic aperture sonar Synthetic aperture acoustic (SAA) Photoacoustics Elastography Text: Imaging of Complex Media with Acoustic and Seismic Waves
15 Planed CUA Acoustics Classes ME 762 Advanced Acoustics II Chapter 14: Transduction Chapter 16: Non-Linear Acoustics Chapter 17: Shock Waves and Explosions Texts: Kinsler and Frey, Blackstock and supplemental material
16 Planed CUA Acoustics Classes ME 662? Transduction and Acoustic Design Microphones Geophones Speakers Hydrophones There would be a project involving the design and construction of audio speakers
17 Planed CUA Acoustics Classes ME 663? Near Field Acoustic Holography Texts: Fourier Acoustics by Earl Williams
18 Planed CUA Acoustics Classes ME 666? Ocean Acoustics Sonar and The Sonar Equation Transducer Arrays Propagation of Sound in the Sea Sound Attenuation in the Sea The Ocean Noise Environment Scattering Ray Tracing Text: Principles of Underwater Sound by Urick
19 What Should CUA Offer at Carderock? ME 501 Mechatronics ME 576 Intermediate Dynamics / Robotics ME 510 Digital Controls ME 504 Finite Element Methods ME 566 Vibrations I ME 666 Vibrations II ME 565 Non-Linear Dynamics ME 502 introduction to MEMS / Electronic Packaging ME 584 Introduction to Nanotechnology MSE 591 Composite Materials MSE 501 Introduction to Material Engineering ENGR 522 Mechanical Properties of Materials
20 Other CUA Non-Acoustics Areas Fluid Mechanics Power and Propulsion Energy Conservation and HVAC Environments Engineering Combustion Aerospace