Policy #: H:
To provide guidelines for the instruction of patients and family/caregivers regarding the safe, effective use of medication To promote correct administration of medications by patients and family/caregivers
Patients and family/caregivers will receive information regarding the safe and effective use of medications, in accordance with applicable home health policies Ambercare home health will encourage patient and family/caregiver participation in his/her own home health care and will explain the correct administration of medications by the patient or family care/giver, as ordered by the attending physician (or other authorized licensed independent practitioner) or purchased over the counter. Teaching will also include the safe storage of medications
As part of the comprehensive assessment, the patient and family/caregiver will be assessed as to their knowledge and skill required for safe and effective use of medications
The components of the medication assessment used to determine patient and family/caregiver knowledge and skill related to medication administration will include the following
Name, dosage, route, duration, time, and usage of medication, intended use as well as expected actions of drug therapy Preparation, self-administration, and use of medication, including over-the-counter products Safeguards against contamination Compounding and administration techniques (if applicable)
Significant side effects, adverse reactions/interactions (including drug-to-drug and drug-food interactions) as well as contraindications and how to avoid and respond to such factors Self-monitoring of drug therapy Proper storage and expiration dating of medications Refill information Actions to take in the event of a missed dose Proper disposal of unused or expired medications, especially controlled substances/schedule II drugs
Assess meds; effectiveness\duplication\interactions\side effects\regiment adherence Instruct in administration of and documenting medications and response
Using the medication information, the clinician will review the key points required, based on patient knowledge and skills, as well as identified needs. This may include:
Teaching the patient the purpose and side effects of medications and the patient’s role in identifying and preventing medication errors Assisting the patient in setting up medications for the first time Assessing the patient’s ability to self- administer medications correctly, and document the patient’s response and comprehension
Answering questions/concerns expressed by the patient and family/caregiver regarding patient’s self- administration of medications
Instructing the patient and family/caregiver regarding safe storage of medications Medications should be stored separately from other poisonous drugs and chemicals Medications should be kept out of the reach of children, pets and confused or disoriented patients The nurse will plan with the patient and family/caregiver for the safe, therapeutic storage of drugs during the assessment process Drugs requiring refrigeration should be stored inside the refrigerator Urine testing and other diagnostic materials should be stored away from all medications, heat, light, and moisture