Guilty By Association Affinity Marketing and Unlimited LTCi Prospects Brian M. Johnson, MBA,CLTC New York – National Long-Term Care Brokers
The True Challenge Selling is the easy part. Finding enough qualified people to talk to is the hard part. Gaining trust is sometimes harder.
I began looking for prospects...
The “Ah-ha” Moment… We’ll call her Judy… She deserves the credit for my “ah-ha” moment. My story… You never know when you’ll be inspired. Be persistent if you believe in what you do.
“I’d Like To Solve The Puzzle!”
Affinity Marketing Access Numbers Trust Resource New Opportunities! Most carriers have marketing material and staff devoted to affinity discount programs. Ask your BGA!
Professional Associations Affinity Discounts Disability, Long-Term Care Inusrance, Med Supp By laws, Dues Paying, In Existence for 2+ Years Associations are in need of member benefits Value Added. - Justify Dues Attract and retain members Little or no cost / administration Stay ahead of competition
Why Associations Work For Us Our ideal clients Members see value in paying dues for professional and/or personal development Associations exist to set standards for industries and professions, provide networking opportunities for like minded people and to provide education and training. A sense of community coordination is at the heart of associations. Gives us an affinity with the members We are prescreened by the association Access to large groups of people, through multiple channels Smaller up front costs with higher closing ratios Opportunities for other lines of business – branch out
Where To Find Associations The Best Way Ask your current clients and/or people you do business with. Other brokers and agents Google, The Yellow Pages In 2005, it was estimated that there were approximately 1.8 Million Associations in our country. 1. ASAE and the Center for Association Leadership. How do you spend your leisure time? What interests you?
Which Associations Are Best? You could say all of them! Everyone faces challenges. Our advice and financial instruments assist with these challenges. Smaller, localized associations are easier to penetrate. National and State Assns. have county zones or chapters. Associations that are comprised of actual businesses or business owners. Associations that you share an affinity with. If you like dining out, approach the restaurant association.
Plan Ahead Set clear, concise expectations with the association. Marketing Plan Timeline Their role vs. your role Be clear that you intend to co-brand with the Association. All marketing material will be submitted to the association for review prior to implementation. Systematic, separate marketing initiatives for your offering.
Your Marketing Mix Welcome or Announcement Letter from the Executive Director is essential. Targeted or Blanket Direct Mail. Targeted or Blanket blast. Schedule speaking events. Be proactive Call centers of influence (Chapter or Zone Presidents, Boards of Directors) Attend conferences, be an exhibitor Ask for the executive director’s input. He/she is thinking in different terms than you – ask often.
Marketing - Your Key!
Your State is BIG! The inquiries are rushing in but the Association members live hours away from your place of business. Partnering opportunities Phone appointments/Conference Calls Web Presentations Association members are willing and WANT to conduct business via the phone, mail and web.
Web Presentations Increase your appointments How are we meeting vs. Are we meeting? Non intrusive Saves time for you and your prospect People appreciate the convenience Instant credibility coming through the association Opens an opportunity for a face to face meeting Gives you a competitive advantage No geographic restrictions What to use:
Sample Web Presentation
Involve Your Prospects They can see what’s on your computer, so… Have pictures of yourself, your family, hobbies, vacation pictures Brand presentation material with Association name / logo Create scripted questions to ask through out the presentation. Unless you’re using a web cam, you can’t see your prospects’ facial expressions/body language. Involve the prospects on the illustration design. They will like the transparency
Illustration Design
Bring it all together Pay attention to societal trends Technology, demographics, etc. Look to other industries for ideas - You want to experience service, take tea at the Ritz. Find Associations through your clients, the people you do business with, the internet and the activities you enjoy. Get an appointment with the executive director. Become a master marketer and co-brand with the association. Expand your reach by leveraging web meetings. Create a “web,” from your new clients. Get the names and numbers of your new clients’ advisors (CPA’s, Financial Planners, Attorneys) MUTUAL CLIENT. “Approach an ordinary activity in an extraordinary way.”
Questions? Brian M. Johnson, MBA, CLTC New York – National Long-Term Care Brokers, Ltd ext. 154