Have a goodSummerVacation 2011
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
President during the Civil War
Who is Harriet Beecher Stowe?
Wrote “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”
Who was Henry Clay?
Senator from Kentucky, created the American System
What was the effect of the northern blockade of southern ports?
The blockade had a negative effect on the south. It cut off trade with other countries and the south was not able to sell their goods, people starved.
What is total war? Why was it used? By whom?
War tactic in which homes and countryside are destroyed, affecting civilians. Used by the North to deprive the South of the means to continue fighting.
What is popular sovereignty?
When people vote on an issue such as slavery.
What is habeas corpus?
Right to a hearing before being jailed
Who was Elizabeth Cady Stanton?
Suffragist, helped organize the Seneca Falls Convention
Why were abolitionists against slavery?
Inhuman conditions Declaration state all men are created equal Quakers believed all men and women were equal in God’s eyes
What was the nullification crisis?
When South Carolina wanted to nullify a law and threatened to secede. President Jackson wanted to preserve the union.
What is checks and balances?
When each branch checks another branch to make sure no one branch gets too much power.
Who is Andrew Jackson?
Hero of the Battle of New Orleans and 7 th President
What countries set up colonies in New York State?
The Netherlands, England
Why did many people move to California? What were their names?
Gold Rush, 49ers
Why did imports and exports in the United States go down in 1808?
Embargo Act
What is federalism?
National and state governments share power.
Who is Washington Irving?
Author, wrote Rip Van Winkle and other stories about the Hudson River Valley
Who is Alexander Hamilton?
First Secretary of the Treasury and leader of the Federalist Party
What Native American tribes settled in New York State?
Iroquois, Algonquins
Why did the number of people voting increase in the mid- 1800’s?
The voting requirement to own land was dropped.
What is suffrage?
The right to vote
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
Author of the Declaration of Independence and 3 rd President
What was working in the mills like?
Dangerous and harsh, the owners cared more about profits than workers, low wages, long hours
What was the Emancipation Proclamation?
Freed slaves in states in rebellion during the Civil War
Why were there more factories in the north?
Larger population rivers suitable for water power greater miles of roads, canals, and railroads
Who were nativists and who were their main targets? Final Jeopardy