Settlement: TIKI!
Discovered in 2032 by astronomers Chris Brown and Keira Knightly Nebular Solar System Started building Tiki settlement in 2040 Tiki is a fantasy forest island; there are three magical forests that we grow our needs on such as food, and drinks. This delightful vacation spot will give you just the R&R that everyone needs.
Food: specific trees for every type of food Housing: Tiki style homes, that personally fit you family size, Loaded with great features. Jobs: Doctors; Head of Island; workers; magic fairies that help with your every need. Money: Sand dollars Resources: water; gold; diamonds; platinum; oil Government: King & Queen Alex Hawkins and Sarah Spicer Education: Same as Earth. Utilities: electricity, technology. Transportation: Hover Crafts. Language: English
Traveling to Tiki is a privilege but can take up to 3 days travel in space You will need to bring clothes, personal items; and any other necessities you might want while you live there Your house; food; and beverages will be provided $2,500 per ticket American money Estimated spending for weekly visit on Tiki is $4500 sand dollars
The Tiki Resort not only offers a great vacation place for families but if you would like employment is offered to you as well. There are many jobs such as mechanics, nurses, doctors, lifeguards, your everyday employees.
People who will be working at Tiki are very skilled and wanting to work hard. We have very skilled farmers that have great technology and knowledge that can make the trees we need We have doctors that can finish an operation in five minutes instead of 5 hours And our king was crowned best speller of the world?
Poplation This is the population of Tiki, Chicago, and New York. As you can see New York it the most and Tiki is the least, but once we get started and get more experience we hope to someday get up there!