By: Jacob Blume
Thesis Buying Local has Many Benefits Stimulates the local economy Provides local jobs Increased sense of community Helps prevent pollution
When you buy local goods and services You are investing in your local economy When you buy local goods and services You are investing in your local economy Each dollar spent locally Is re-spent up to five times Giving it the economic Effect of five dollars Each dollar spent locally Is re-spent up to five times Giving it the economic Effect of five dollars picture from
Buying local provides higher paying Local jobs Picture from
Living locally provides a greater Sense of community and when People are attached to the community They are more likely to Desire to preserve their surroundings Picture from
Keeping your purchasing Local is eco friendly, It reduces the amount of Long haul trucks on the Road keeping your air And our planet cleaner Keeping your purchasing Local is eco friendly, It reduces the amount of Long haul trucks on the Road keeping your air And our planet cleaner Picture from Products-s/91.htm
So lets keep our community Beautiful and clean Lets buy local and keep our Money here boosting our Economy and keeping The amazing city of Sequim Thriving! Picture from legacy-continues.html