Circular Motion Matthew LuckJimmy Maertens Veric BrownDuncan Spence
Circular Motion Circular Motion is different because of how the inside of the circle and the outside of the circle are moving at different speeds to complete two different sized circle’s at the same time. The Outside of the Circular motion moves faster than the inside of the of the circular motion because the circle has to finish its circular motion at the same time as the inside of the circle.
Calculation of Average Speed The Average Speed of an object Moving in a circular motion can be found by using the formula To find the Circumference of the circle use the formula Circumference= 2*Pi*Radius add this to the original formula to get the formula
Circular Motion Speed The inside of the circle has to move a shorter amount of distance than the out side of the circle but has to finish its motion at the same time as the outside of the circle.
Uniform Circular Motion Uniform Circular motion is then the motion of the object is constant. This is caused by having the circular motion be a perfect circle with a Constant radius
The Direction of the Velocity Vector The direction of the velocity vector is directed in the same direction which the object moves. Since an object is moving in a circle, its direction is continuously changing.