Español 1 12 y 13 de septiembre de 2013
La Campana Write the following Math problems using Spanish words. 10 + 15 = 25 30 – 12 = 18 8 x 3 = 24 28 /4 = 7 18 + 9 = 27
El Calendario With a partner: Welcome the class and do the calendar. Estudiante A: Hola, me llamo… Estudiante B: Hola me llamo… Esudiante A: Hoy es jueves el 12 de septiembre de 2013 Profesora: Clase, ¿Qué día es hoy? Clase:…… Estudiante B: Ayer fue miércoles. Profesora: Clase ¿Qué día fue ayer? Clase………… Estudiante A: Mañana será viernes. Profesora: Clase, ¿Qué día será mañana? Clase……. Estudiante A y B: Bienvenidos a la clase de español.
Actividad: La Tarea Get with a partner of your choice. Parte A: Parte B Get with a partner of your choice. Exchange your homework paper with that partner. Each of you write the numbers of the Spanish words and be sure the math is correct. Choose 3 of your partners math problems. Write them on the scratch paper that has been given to you. Hand them into your teacher. You will be playing a game with them.
El Partido de Matemáticas Words to Know: Y - + Menos = - por = X divido por= divided by On the white board. Write the math problem and solve it. When your finished raise the white board so it can be checked. El Partido de Matemáticas
La Canción Heroe por Enrique Iglesias Listen to the song and make a list of words that you hear.
El Diario You are skyping your new Spanish pen pal. Write down what you would say. Be sure to: 1. Introduce yourself 2. Ask his/her name 3. Write how he/she answers the question. 2. Tell him/her your age. 3. Ask him/her How old he/she is 4. Write how he or she answers the question.
Los Apuntes: Los Meses del año Enero Febrero Marzo Abril Mayo Junio ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? Julio Agosto Septiembre Octubre Noviembre Diciembre Mi cumpleaños es ____________.
La Tarea: What questions can you ask? Write in spanish 5 questions you can ask a partner next class period. You can get 5 points extra credit if you ask a family member and they sign it.
La Prueba Use the pictures and write the correct month. 1. 2 3. 4 5.
¿Ausente? If you were absent do the following to make up your absence. 1. Do the Campana in your Campana section. 2. Be sure your homework from last class was done. 3. Find the song Heroe by Enrique Iglesias and listen to it. Write as many words as you can that you hear in Spanish. (Goal: 3 to 5) 4. In the Diario section. Time yourself for 2 minutes and write the dialog. Count up your words. (No notes, computers or family.) This is what you know. Write the notes in the Los Apuntes section of your notebook. Write down the homework on your homework paper and do it. Take the quiz in the Las Pruebas section. Bring your notebook and participation card (if you still have it) to your teacher and show her it to receive your points.