DNA True or False Fun Quiz 1.Humans are the most intelligent of the animals; therefore, we have the highest number of chromatin in each one of our cells. 2.An injury suffered in an accident could be passed on to that persons children. 3.If your parents both have brown eyes, you will definitely have brown eyes too. 4.You have some inherited traits which you will never see. 5.Inherited traits are carried from parent to child through the blood.
6.You inherited exactly half of your DNA from your mother, half from your father. 7.You inherit more genes from your mother if you are a girl and more from your father if you are a boy. 8.A parent may give a trait to his or her child without ever actually showing the trait themselves. 9.If you resemble one parent more than the other, you probably inherited more genes from that parent. 10.You have all the inherited traits in your genes you will ever have the day that you are born.
Welcome to Your… Unit 8 DNA and Genetics Test Review
Unit 8 DNA and Genetics Test Review Jeopardy Style!
Rules of Jeopardy Only the person with the Pick ME! Paddle can answer the question. The paddle must be passed after every question. You must answer in the form of a question. You lose points for each incorrect answer. You can steal points on incorrect answers. The three top teams get extra credit points: –1 st Place = 10 points Extra Credit –2 nd Place = 8 points Extra Credit –3 rd Place = 6 points Extra Credit Whiners, poor sports, and cheaters will be punished!
Deoxyribonucleic Acid....TION"R" rated??Geneology, I am doing it All mixed up
Deoxyribonucleic Acid :100 Game Board The whole purpose behind having strands of DNA in our cells
Game Board The building blocks of DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid :200
Game Board Deoxyribonucleic Acid :300 This holds the As and Ts together and the Cs and Gs together
Game Board Deoxyribonucleic Acid :400 The things that make up the sides of the DNA ladder
Game Board Deoxyribonucleic Acid :500 States that the % of As always = % of Ts and % of Gs always = % of Cs
Game Board Deoxyribonucleic Acid :600 The three differences between DNA and RNA
Game Board As a group, come up with a free-for-all question and the amount of points it is worth (no higher than 800). If the team that tries to answer gets it wrong, they lose the points and your team is awarded that amount. DAILY CHALLENGE
Game Board Deoxyribonucleic Acid :800 The difference between chromatin, chromatid and chromosome
Game Board The process of making two new strands of DNA from one old strand....TION: 100
Game Board....TION: 200 Changes in the DNA sequence
Game Board....TION: 300 The two processes that make up protein synthesis (Hint: DNA RNA Protein)
Game Board The two types of gene mutations and how they work....TION: 400
Game Board The process in the picture below and where it occurs....TION: 500
Game Board The process in the following animation and what the red, orange and grey things are....TION: 600
Game Board....TION: 700 The name of each of the chromosome mutations below
Game Board The transcribed portion of the red section of DNA: TGCCAGATCAAGCTTAGC ACGGTCTAGTTCGAATGC....TION: 800
Game Board "R" rated??: 100 The two differences between asexual and sexual reproduction
Game Board "R" rated??: 200 The process of forming a gamete
Game Board "R" rated??: 300 Three different examples of asexually reproducing organisms and how they do it
Game Board "R" rated??: 400 One chromosome partner comes from mom and the other chromosome partner comes from dad
Game Board "R" rated??: 500 Two of the differences between mitosis and meiosis
Game Board "R" rated??: 600 The process when two cells with only half their DNA come together
Game Board "R" rated??: 700 The process that occurs during Prophase 1 and why it happens
Game Board "R" rated??: 800 The phases in the pictures below
Geneology, I am doing it: 100 What you show vs. what your genes say Game Board
Geneology, I am doing it: 200 A person who is heterozygus is called this Game Board
Two different genotypes that express the same phenotype Geneology, I am doing it: 300 Game Board
Geneology, I am doing it: 400 The percent chance that this couples first child will have curly hair Cc x cc
Game Board Geneology, I am doing it: 500 The possibility of getting the recessive trait if one parent is heterozygus and the other is homozygus dominant
Game Board Geneology, I am doing it: 600 All of the possible blood type outcomes from the following parents: Ai x AB
Game Board Geneology, I am doing it: 700 The type of trait shown by this pedigree chart
Game Board John has colorblindness. He marries a woman with normal color vision. Her father had colorblindess. What is the percent chance that their children will have colorblindness. Geneology, I am doing it: 800
Game Board Are you mixed up?: 100 This is what happens with trisomy one
Game Board Are you mixed up?: 200 The difference between how you get identical twins vs. conjoined twins
Game Board Are you mixed up?: 300 How you would end up with quadruplets but two are identical
Game Board What someone with this set of DNA would have Are you mixed up?: 400
Game Board Also known as trisomy 18 Are you mixed up?: 500
Game Board As a group, come up with a free-for-all question and the amount of points it is worth (no higher than 800). If the team that tries to answer gets it wrong, they lose the points and your team is awarded that amount. DAILY CHALLENGE
Game Board Three physical characteristics of Patau Syndrome Are you mixed up?: 700
Game Board Are you mixed up?: 800 The 2 blood types that are known as the universal receiver and the universal donor and why
And the winner is…. Thanks for playing!!!