Fishbowl Socratic Seminar for Chapters 4-7
Per the usual, you will be asked to THOUGHTFULLY prepare your ideas for each of the following questions. You may prepare using whatever medium serves you best, meaning that it will keep you ON TRACK and free of distraction for whatever circle you happen to be in at a given time. Remember to prepare thoughtfully and carefully. Use your strongest HOTS! WARNING: These questions are dense and multilayered. They are NOT questions you can simply answer with a sentence or two. They require TIME and EFFORT.
1. We see a “generational struggle” between fathers and sons. Hiram struggles with his father, just like his father struggles with Hiram’s grandfather. What do you think prevents these men from getting along? Wouldn’t Hiram’s father want to be closer to his son because he is not to his own father? And why can Hiram get along with his grandfather, but not his father? Analyze these relationships. 2. Hiram’s grandparents’ house is mentioned frequently, especially in Chapter 5. What do you think is the significance or importance of the house? Think: Does it symbolize anything? Explain. 3. We get a lot of new information about several characters in Chapter 6. How does the author bring these characters to life, meaning how are their personalities revealed? Comment on this, as well as your general impression of the characters that we learn more about in these chapters.