The (National) Recreational Trails Program--NRTP Exposed!


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Presentation transcript:

The (National) Recreational Trails Program--NRTP Exposed!

2 A Little History on the Federal Funding Source... YESTERDAY u ISTEA u NRTFA (“Symms”) u TEA-21 TODAY u SAFETEA-LU [Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users]

3 NRTP: A Few Facts... u Governor selected RCO to administer NRTP u Each state solicits and selects projects u Applicants must match grant funds u 20% match u Each state must have an adv. comm. that: u Includes users u Meets 1/yr. u Guides application, selection u Projects must be supported in the state trail plan

4 RCO Trail Programs: Recent Funding Data from PRISM

5 Program Goal u In Washington State, NRTP’s goal is to help rehabilitate and maintain recreational trails that provide a backcountry experience. u Under some conditions, new “linking” trails, relocations, and safety-education proposals may also be funded.

6 What is the National Recreational Trails Program? u Provides funds for trails & trail-related facilities: u Motorized u Nonmotorized u Multi-use facilities.

7 NRTP In Action: Funding for all kinds of recreational trails... u Pedestrian (hiking, running, wheelchair, etc.) u Four-wheel driving u Equestrian u Cross-country ski u Bicycling u Snowmobiling u Water trails u All-terrain vehicles u Safety & education u Off-road motorcycling

8 NRTP: Who’s Eligible? u Federal, State, and Local Agencies u Native American Tribes u Non-Profit Organizations

9 NRTP: What’s Eligible? u Maintenance of trails, trailheads and trailside facilities u Re-development & engineering of trail facilities u Purchase/lease of trail construction equipment u Education programs that promote trail safety

10 NRTP: What’s Not Eligible? u Anything that would use NRTP funds in a condemnation u USFS/BLM ORV projects inconsistent with Management Plan u Feasibility studies u Roads, sidewalks, urban trail experiences u Law enforcement u Geographic area trail plans (“county trail plan”)

11 NRTP: Funding Formula MMUse MSUseNMSUse NMMUse CompatUse “Diversified”  40% “Assured Access”  30% “Assured Access”  30%  Up to 5% of funds may go to trail safety-education projects. 

12 What Gets Funded? u Backcountry trail maintenance projects u Projects that best meet the objectives of the 10 evaluation questions: 1. How great is the need for improved trail facilities? 2. To what extent will the project satisfy this need? 3. Is the proposal appropriately designed? 4. The degree to which the project will reduce maintenance backlogs /or/ re-create an opportunity

13 5. Is the project ready to proceed now? 6. By how much do the project’s benefits outweigh its costs? 7. By how much will the project reduce government costs? 8. To what extent do recreationists and the public support the project?

14 9. To what extent will the applicant match the NRTP grant with its own resources? 10. What progress has the applicant made toward meeting the requirements of the state’s Growth Management Act?

15 More advice… u Pay close attention to each question ~ don’t try to fool the evaluation team u Closely edit your responses ~ ask one or two friends to critique your answers u Quantify your needs ~ how many, how much…

Funded NRTP Projects

17 NRTP u Greg Lovelady u Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (formerly Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation, IAC) u u 360 /