North Dakota Principal and Teacher Evaluation
Welcome! What is your present status? Change! The Why and How of PTESS Update on PTESS progress and timeline Major Model Discussion People using Models Discussion and Q&A 2
Colored index cards as follows
What is the Purpose of Evaluation? 4
Present System (Feedback)? 5
Present System (Rating)? 6
Present System (Satisfaction)? 7
Present System (Satisfied)? 8
The first wildebeest to cross the river is more likely to be eaten!
Vision SkillsIncentives Resources Action Plan Leading Complex Change SkillsIncentives Resources Action Plan Vision Incentives Resources Action Plan Vision Skills Resources Action Plan Vision Skills Action Plan Incentives Resources Vision Skills Incentives Confusion Change Anxiety GradualChange Frustration False Start © Enterprise Management Ltd., 1987.
8 Steps for Leading Change Spiro 1. Goal: 2. Readiness : Low Readiness – High Structure High Readiness - Low Structure 3. Stakeholders: Who are the key stakeholders? Who are the Opinion Leaders? 4. Early Wins: 5. Anticipate Resistance : Match the readiness level with support, identify potential opponents and bring them on board or minimize their ability to derail plans, and celebrate short term wins and think about the benefits of the new system. 6. Collaborate Planning : Do we have the right people involved in the selection and implementation process? 7. Scale & Sustainability: If we start with a small group, how will we scale up? If we invest in tools and process, can we sustain the effort? 8. Build in on-going Monitoring /course corrections : Who does What by When, and monitor to make changes as needed.
Why are we doing this?
What does the data say?
Grade 4 NAEP Data
Grade 8 NAEP Data
Pair-Share How is your school feeling about the readiness for a new system ? 31
How are we doing this?
North Dakota AdvancED Principal Evaluation AdvancED Assurance and Indicators 2.6, 3.4 AdvancED Indicators 1.1, 1.2, 2.4, 2.5 Teacher Evaluation AdvancED Assurance and Indicators 2.6, 3.4 Professional Development/Learning AdvancED Indicators 3.5, 3.7, 3.11 North Dakota Common Core AdvancED Indicators 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.6, 4.4 Assessment and SLDS AdvancED Indicators 3.10, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 Accreditation and School Imporovement AdvancED Assurance and Indicators 1.3, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 How does this FIT Together in North Dakota?
Where are you with AdvancED? Green Card if you are presently using AdvancED Red Card if not Yellow card if in the process of changing to AdvancED 34
Pair-Share How is your school doing in connecting all of the different state initiatives together ? 35
What are the new Guidelines?
Timelines Spring State finalize guidelines with approved models as examples Information on Guidelines and Examples provided by the State Schools develop or select model for principal evaluation by Nov, Schools begin implementation process of a model for principal evaluation by Feb, School develop or select model for teacher evaluation by June, Schools begin the implementation process for teacher model starting Sept, State monitor schools to see plans implemented 37
What was the Waiver and how does not doing the Waiver Effect us?
Unique to North Dakota Student Performance NOT Significant Portion of Evaluation Levels of Performance DO NOT have to be translated into State Levels DO NOT have to arrive at an OVERALL SINGLE PERFORMANCE LEVEL for teacher or principal Teacher Performance Levels DO NOT have to be shared with the State
Before & After: A Snapshot 40 BeforeComponentAfter Binary – Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Performance Level Differentiation At least Four Different Levels Evaluation required twice yearly first three years, and yearly for after that Frequency of Evaluations No change: Evaluation required twice yearly first three years, and yearly for after that Not based on standards Standards Teachers based on InTASC Standards and Principals based on ISLLC Standards No existing requirement for Student Performance Data Student Performance Indicator Student Performance Data will be a portion of the teacher and principal evaluation
Before & After: A Snapshot 41 BeforeComponentAfter State does not require one model Model No change- the state will does not require one model.
Performance Levels
Typical Evaluation Cycle? Self- Assessment Goal Setting Evidence Collection & Observation Formative Reflection and Review Evidence Collection & Observation Summative Evaluation 45 Professional Development Planning Student Data Analysis
Principal Supervision Cycle ORIENTATION on PROCESS Formative March - August PRE-PLANNING by Principal Formative August GOAL SETTING CONFERENCE Formative Aug/Sept EVIDENCE COLLECTION and MONITORING OF Plan Formative Sept-March FORMATIVE CONFERENCING Oct-Feb END OF YEAR SUMMATIVE CONFERENCE Summative March
Share with your group What model are you using right now in teacher and principal evaluations ? 47
Models 48
Models Danielson 49 frameworks/danielson-framework/
Models Marzano 50 frameworks/marzano/
Models Marshall 51
Models Costs 52
Q and A?
Student Performance?
Student Performance Teacher A.Student achievement data literacy B.Instructional improvement: applies student achievement data to frame and measure standards-based curricular claims/student learning objectives. C.Student Growth: students demonstrate measureable growth and achievement on specified standardized and non-standardized measures.
Student Performance Principal A.Student achievement data literacy B.Data-driven leadership: evidences meaningful school- wide professional learning that emphasizes all types and reporting levels of student achievement data. C.Instructional improvement: guides teachers to apply student achievement data to frame and measure standards-based curricular claims/student learning objectives. D.Student Growth: students in the school demonstrate measureable growth and achievement on specified standardized and non-standardized measures.
Share with your table ? Questions or comments on Student Performance 58
Q and A Which evaluation if Superintendent / Principal? How to do evaluation in K-8 with no Superintendent? How do you do with Guidance Counselors? How do you do with Media Specialists? How do you do with Special Needs Teacher without classroom?
Regional PTESS Meetings May 5, Minot May 6, Mandan May 7, Grand Forks May 27, Tioga May 28, Dickinson May 29, Fargo May 30, 2014 – Jamestown
Additional Information Webinars on Models and Technology Website with Information Cost of Different Models Q & A Common Questions
Whip Around: One significant “ah-ha moment” today Take a few minutes and share with us – Plus: What was a real “plus” of today’s session? What went well and should be repeated? – Delta: Where is there room for improvement and change? 62 Whip Around and Plus/Delta Debrief