Ready Schools Florida Because of Learning Labs …
RACIAL EQUITY We launched Leading and Teaching for Racial Equity in Miami and extended it to several counties in Florida.
THE CHILDREN’S TRUST We played a key role in mobilizing the Miami community to reauthorize $1 billion over 10 years to The Children's Trust, which supports the development of the county’s most vulnerable young children.
HEALTH CLINICS We created Health-Connect, installing health clinics in 150 high-needs Miami schools. These clinics enable more than 100,000 vulnerable children to have access to registered nurses, clinical social workers and vital health-care services.
QUALITY RATING IMPROVEMENT SYSTEM We created Quality Counts, a quality rating improvement system (QRIS) that positions racial equity as a guiding force for improving early learning systems and is available to all centers and family care homes in Miami.
COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE We formed Communities of Practice to connect, advance, and accelerate our individual and collective work.
CURRICULUM LEARNING COMMUNITIES We built Curriculum Learning Communities (CLCs), which enhance the practice of early learning teachers and directors.
JOB-EMBEDDED GRADUATE SCHOOL We created the Master Teacher Initiative – a high-quality, blended, job-embedded professional development model for educators in vulnerable schools.
NATIONAL AWARDS We won a coveted U.S. Department of Education Investing in Innovation (i3) award and were selected last year as the top program in the country by The Association of Teacher Educators.
THE CHILDREN’S MOVEMENT OF FLORIDA We launched a statewide movement that has engaged more than 300,000 citizens to champion children’s learning and healthy development.
Because of Learning Labs … We learned from the most talented, inspirational, and accomplished leaders who are doing amazing work in other states. Thank You Hawaii Mississippi Washington W. K. Kellogg Foundation
… And we’re just getting started.