Greater New Orleans Section 2014 AIAA Space Systems Essay Contest May 29 th, 2014
AIAA Greater New Orleans Background AIAA Space Systems Technical Committee’s National Annual Essay Contest for students in Seventh and Eighth Grade Goals: – Encourage technical writing capabilities at a vital development time by presenting technical problem to answer and support – Encourage local section connection with teachers and schools and contribution to STEM education Prizes: – $50 and Certificate of Award for 1st places (Local level) – $25 and Certificate of Award for 2nd places (Local level) – Certificate of recognition (Local & National levels) – $100 to student + $250 for their science classroom (National Level) – Nationwide recognition by AIAA (National Level) Judging Criteria: ̶Originality of ideas presented ̶Soundness of logic used to develop ideas ̶Realism of ideas presented ̶Quality of composition and clarity of expression Essay Topic: Describe an experiment you would like to do on the International Space Station. What would you learn from it? NASA astronaut Nicole Stott, Expedition 20/21 flight engineer, is pictured near the Mice Drawer System (MDS) in the Kibo laboratory of the International Space Station (Image courtesy of NASA).
2014 AIAA Space Systems Essay Contest 2014 AIAA Space Systems Essay Contest – Regional Winners GradeAwardNameSchoolEssay Topic 8First PlaceEmily Wright North Gulfport 8th Grade North Gulfport, Mississippi Effect of microgravity on prenatal development 8 Second Place Merlynn Hines North Gulfport 8th Grade North Gulfport, Mississippi Effect of microgravity on astronauts with asthma 2014 AIAA Space Systems Essay Contest – National Winners GradeAwardNameSchoolEssay Topic 8First PlaceEmily Wright North Gulfport 8th Grade North Gulfport, Mississippi Effect of microgravity on prenatal development Honorable Mention: Mrs. Julie Slocum, Teacher (North Gulfport 8 th Grade)
Second Place Regional Winner, Ms. Merlynn Hines
First Place Regional and National Winner, Ms. Emily Wright
Ms. Emily Wright, Mrs. Julie Slocum (Teacher), and Ms. Merlynn Hines
AIAA Chair, Mr. Larry DeQuay and National Winner, Ms. Emily Wright
Congratulations! from AIAA GNO