By Bruno Teixeira Marcelo Oliveira Patricia Siqueira
What is a rope?
Did you understand the situation as a whole? What does the boy really mean by: “I don’t know the ropes yet.” Can you say it using other words? In pairs, discuss what you think the boy and the girl are talking about.
OUR GOALS ARE: 1. Understanding idioms* 2. Research (choose 3 expressions)* 3. Share our findings (1 st poster) 4. Rethinking the idea (2 nd poster) 5. Prepare a micro text 6. Present a short story in groups In other words… What is behind the idioms? In other words… What is behind the idioms? * For activities 1 and 2 there will be no evaluation.
1. Understanding Idioms What is an idiom? STEP 1: GO to and type: “define: idiom” or Click here: US296&defl=en&q=define:idiom&sa=X&ei=JGy7TPCfNYL- 8AbX_vy-Dg&ved=0CBUQkAE Step 2: Bring to class (you can write or type) notes from what you read about idioms definition. In groups, you will have to discuss all definitions brought and come up with a most complete one. You can combine sentences or delete some items you may find irrelevant.
Add fuel to the fire Afraid of one’s own shadow Against the clock Back to square one Bark up the wrong tree Blow your top Break a leg Catch someone’s eye Fire someone Get your wires crossed Give you a piece of my mind Keep an eye out for Pain in the neck Piece of cake Rule of thumb Smell a rat To be under the weather Rise and shine Driving somebody up the wall Hold your horses When pigs fly Read someone’s mind Rub shoulders Paint the town red Walk on air Window shop Put someone in the picture See / seek Pink elephants Carry the torch Feels on the top of the world White Christmas Lick someone’s boots Can of worms Hot potato 2. Research (choose 3 expressions) Attention: ea. student will research about three different idioms.
Research about them on the following websites:
3. Share our findings (1 st poster) Make three posters (one for each idiomatic expression chosen). The main goal is to either find or draw a picture that represents the meaning of each idiom. TIP: think about the idiom and apply it to a real situation. You should also print or write the idioms definitions. Bring them on three separate sheets.
4. Rethinking the idea (2 nd poster) Let’s have some fun! Now, you should bring other three posters (one for each idiomatic expression; the same ones used on the previous activity). In each poster there should be a picture that represents literally the meaning of each idiomatic expression! Be CREATIVE!!!!
5. Prepare a micro-text Time for some writing! Choose 3 to 5 idiomatic expressions learned in class and create a micro-text describing a situation, talking about a friend or any other subject you desire. Attention: you can choose from any idioms you have learned!
6. Present a short story in groups Form groups of 5 people and create a micro-play. Each of you will have a certain role in it: there should be (1) narrator and (4) characters. The presentation should last 15 minutes. Remember to use at least 10 idiomatic expressions you have learned!
1 st poster2 nd poster micro- text Short story presentation Coherence Organization Clearness Presentation Reference: (NOT ADEQUADE)(REGULAR)(VERY GOOD)(EXCELLENT) It’s not up to scratch! (It was satisfactory) Close, but no cigar! (an effort to do something which was a good attempt but not quite good enough to succeed.” Within an ace of it! (very close to something ; “You almost did it!”) It’s a blockbusting performance! (Outstanding!) To fill in the evaluation chart, use the following idioms!
Did you like our final project? What part of the production you enjoyed the most? What do you know about plays? Would you like to know more about them?
This webquest was developed by undergraduate students Bruno Teixeira, Marcelo Oliveira and Patricia Siqueira, at Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), in October The presentation took place UERJ’s main facility, in Maracanã, as part of the activities proposed for the “The Use of New Technology in The Language Teaching” class, taught by Professor Janaína Cardoso. As a group, we had to create a webquest and develop a Power Point presentation in order to share it with other students. The theme chosen was “Idioms”. This webquest has been prepared for students in upper- intermediate level and it should last for at least four months. There are six tasks, including the final project, which is a 15-minute play. Each group should have about five students and should use at least 10 idiomatic expressions learned during this period.