Welcome to 4th Grade! Mrs. Boyer
All About Me My background My experience B.A. in Psychology From California State Long Beach M.A. in school counseling. I am a certified school counselor. My experience I’ve been teaching for 15 years. I enjoy spending time with my family and traveling.
My Goals To teach students the academic and social skills they need to progress to fifth grade To provide support for students emotional and social needs To create a learning environment which is inviting for students to capture their interests and aid them in making new friends and explore new ideas
Class Subjects The subjects we cover during fourth grade are: Reading and Writing Math Science (w/Mrs. Galer) Social Studies Music and Art Computer Lab P.E. Band/Orchestra (elective) Drama Club (elective)
Specialist Schedule Monday – Art 8:20 – 9:10 Tuesday – Library 8:20 – 8:50 Wednesday – Computer Lab 8:40 – 9:10 Thursday – Music 8:20 – 9:10 Friday – P.E. 8:20 – 9:10
Specialists Mr. Brower Music tbrower@amphi.com Mrs. Teran Art bteran@amphi.com Mr. Miller P.E. fmiller@amphi.com Mrs. Jacobs REACH jjacobs@amphi.com
Language Arts READING: Guided Reading, Shared Reading, Self-Selected Reading~ Reading to learn VOCABULARY: root words & affixes, figurative & literal language, similes, idioms, personification, content vocabulary, synonyms, antonyms and homonyms, parts of speech HOMEWORK: DUE on Fridays Wranglin’ Reader, Spelling Test Wranglin’ Reader is Wilson’s reading incentive program sponsored by PTO and our nightly reading homework. Students are required to record reading minutes (minimum of 20 mins. nightly) calendars are collected each Friday to receive homework points Students must read 80 hours this year to be eligible for the PTO sponsored celebration at the end of the school year.
Writing Writing Elements :Six Traits of Writing Ideas & Content, Voice, Conventions, Organization, Sentence Fluency, and Word Choice Writing Process: Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, Editing, Publishing Writing Applications: Expressive (personal narratives, poetry, stories) Expository (essay, summary, reflective log) Functional (recipe, letters, instruction, thank you notes) Persuasive (advertisements) Use of Reference Materials/Resources
Spelling Emphasis: Correct spelling in daily writing Students will be tested every Friday on their spelling words. The 1st six weeks students will be working with 300 words that students should know by the time they enter 4th grade. We will start using our 4th grade spelling lists 6th week of class. Students will be responsible for weekly spelling list and practice using the Spelling City link on our class web page and/or other practice methods we will discuss in class
Handwriting Emphasis on neatness/legibility on all assignments. Spelling and journals are to be written in cursive. Traditional Cursive
Math Emphasis on using addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, geometry, fractions, decimals, probability, algebra and graphing. Multiplication/Division timed tests will begin approx. the 2nd week in September. Hands on activities and games to reinforce concepts taught. Small group instruction provided for students’ in need of extra assistance/challenge
Science (Mrs. Galer) Science as inquiry Measurement Metric System Life Structures/Plant Cells, Animal adaptations, etc. Electricity/Magnetism Water/Weather Landforms/Erosion AIMS
Social Studies US Regions All about Arizona History Geography Civics/Government Economics (Tourism, current events, etc.) Behavioral Studies (Cultural influences)
Technology Students will visit the computer lab weekly. They will learn basic computer skills including keyboarding, word processing, inserting clip art, saving to a disc and/or the school server. They will be working with Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point as well as the Internet.
Classroom Community Our classroom is a community. In order to create an atmosphere where students are encouraged to express their thoughts and feelings, we will work together as a team with respect and responsibility for ourselves and others. Our class rules are: BE KIND Be respectful and responsible. Be organized and follow directions. Be on time. Be prepared. Be Positive
Positive Reinforcement: Rewards Pay Day Friday Class parties Free Time Computer Time Call to parent Stickers, pencils, extra recess, praise, treats, etc.
Pay Day Friday 30 min. reward for hard work and good behavior Kickball, games and puzzles, free choice, art project, karaoke, drama club etc. 3 key requirements to earn Pay Day Friday: Complete homework and class work on time Good behavior Reading calendar must be turned in on Friday
Consequences 1st offense: Verbal Warning 2nd offense: Time out in my office and complete a behavior plan 3rd offense: Go to the Responsibility Room and phone call home
Homework Any daily work not completed in class is homework. Weekly homework consists of Spelling Words, Nightly Reading, DOL review. All homework is expected to be turned in on time. If your child was not able to complete their homework, a parent note must be given to the teacher and an extra day will be given. All late work turned in must have a parent signature.
Grading Grades are based on the accumulation of points. Points are based on: Class participation (effort) Completion of assignments (daily work) Major projects, exams, and self-reflection . Our Grading Scale 90-100% = A 80-89% = B 70-79% = C 60-69% = D Below 60% = F Grades are calculated on cumulative percentage and are rounded up whenever possible.
Grades Online You will have access to your child’s grades online. Please look at my website for the link www.amphi.com/teachers/lboyer I will try and update grades two times per week. They will not be online until 9/1 Please email me a six to ten character password that you want to use.
Assignment/Planner Books Assignment books come home daily. List of assignments and activities for the day. Please sign the assignment book every night. If homework is not finished on time the student will need to go to the Responsibility Room to finish it.
Classroom Website Monthly calendar of important dates. http://www.amphi.com/teachers/lboyer Monthly calendar of important dates. Links to educational websites. Link to this Parent Orientation PowerPoint.
Birthdays Birthday treats are welcome but not mandatory. Treats will be given at our afternoon recess 12:45-1:05 Please send in individual items such as cupcakes, cookies, popsicles which have a nutritional label. Home baked goods are not allowed.
Thank you for coming tonight Please fill out the student information sheet and return it to my desk. Please include current email for Classroom Communications, Updates, Newsletter, etc.