Home Page After you login, you are brought to the Home page. The layout is similar to other social media sites, so it should be familiar to most people. This guide will help you locate and become acquainted with the features of My Big Campus.
Groups Profile Home Button Account Manager Bob Campus Home Page of My Big Campus Schoolwork ConversationsActivity Here are all of the features you will use in MBC.
My Big Campus Lingo Activity = Newsfeed Bob Campus = Help Desk Conversations = Messages Groups = Classes Schoolwork=Assignments
Home Button The purpose of the Home button is it will bring you back to the Home page. As a new user to MBC, this button will come in handy as you become familiar with the MBC features.
Activity Activity is located in the middle of the home page. It is where you can post updates about yourself to the people who are following you and to see the activity of the people you are following. To access the Activity click on the Home button in the MBC heading or on the Activity button located in the left sidebar.
How to Follow a person Following a person means his/her activity will show up in your Activity feed. To follow a person, click on his/her name and you will be directed to his/her profile. In the profile heading there is a Follow button, click on it. Now you are following that person.
Conversations To send a private message to someone you are following, a fellow student or teacher you need to click on the Conversations button located in the left sidebar. Another way to send a private message to someone is to go to their profile and click on the Message button This drop screen will appear then you can type your message and send.
Conversations To compose a message click here. These buttons allows you to access your Inbox, Starred message or Trash. This is the search box for your Conversations. When you click on the Conversations button, this screen will appear.
Account Button The Account button is to help you access and manage your account. Clicking on this button will bring you to a drop screen. Any changes or preferences you need to make to your account can be done in this drop down menu. You also use this menu to logout of your account.
Profile Click on the Profile button, located in the left sidebar to bring you to the profile screen. Click on the tab menu to add information to your wall, add photos, write in your blog, edit your “About Me” and to see who you are following and who is following you.
Groups (your online classes) In My Big Campus the class you are enrolled in is called a group. Groups is located in the left side bar. When you click on Groups a list of your groups will appear. Your teacher is the leader of the group and will invite you to the group when you are enrolled in the class. If you think you are enrolled in a class, but it does not appear in your Groups, contact the teacher regarding your enrollment. Click on the group name to access your online class.
Schoolwork The Schoolwork button is located in the left sidebar. This is a section of MBC that needs to be checked regularly because this is show your teacher gives you your assignments. It is also the place you go to Submit assignments Take tests Check your grades
Click here to see what your teacher assigned. Look here to check if you have turned in an assignment. Type Your teacher can assign: Assignments Quizzes Assessment Practice Quizzes Polls Simple Assignments Look here to see what kind assignment you are assigned.
Assigned to You This is the screen you will use to manage your assignments. Filter Let’s you pick the class you‘d like to view the assignments. Click on this arrow to choose the class or all of your classes to view. This black menu bar will let you view the name of the assignment, due date, status, grade and type of assignment.
Bob Campus Bob Campus is your help desk for MBC. He is available 24/7 and he will answer all questions. He is there for students who need help with homework or would like to chat about anything. Teachers can access Bob as a resource to improve his/her MBC skills. To access Bob, click on his blue name in his introduction.
Bob Campus This is Bob Campus’ profile. Click on the tabs to find out more about Bob.
Bob Campus Click on the Wall tab to see what Bob is up to. Type out a post to Bob here. Click here to have Bob’s post show up on your activity feed. Send Bob a private message by clicking on Message.
The End Click around on MBC to familiarize yourself with the layout and the features. The more time you spend getting to know how to use MBC the more successful you will be in taking your online courses.