Aug. 3, 2010 Tuesday Daily procedures Take roll (after I get the roll in the computer, you will click in each day) Place late slips and absentee slips in the wire basket on the side of my desk; pick up absentee slip when you leave (your responsibility) Take roll (after I get the roll in the computer, you will click in each day) Place late slips and absentee slips in the wire basket on the side of my desk; pick up absentee slip when you leave (your responsibility)
Daily procedures Be in assigned seats before the tardy bell rings.( Standing around the classroom is not in your seat) Sit in the red roller chairs only when Mrs. Dyer instructs. Use computers and other technology only when instructed. Be in assigned seats before the tardy bell rings.( Standing around the classroom is not in your seat) Sit in the red roller chairs only when Mrs. Dyer instructs. Use computers and other technology only when instructed.
Daily procedures Bottled water is the only beverage allowed in the room and never at the computers or around other technology. Please keep bottles under the desk.(OEC is an exception) No food (this includes candy such as Skittles as well as mints) during class time without permission.(If you bring enough mints to share, that might be OK.) Gum? Mrs. Dyer does not want to see it, hear it, step on it, sit on it, or find it under a chair or table. Mrs. Dyer does not wish to pick up student trash in her classroom; please pick up after yourself. Bottled water is the only beverage allowed in the room and never at the computers or around other technology. Please keep bottles under the desk.(OEC is an exception) No food (this includes candy such as Skittles as well as mints) during class time without permission.(If you bring enough mints to share, that might be OK.) Gum? Mrs. Dyer does not want to see it, hear it, step on it, sit on it, or find it under a chair or table. Mrs. Dyer does not wish to pick up student trash in her classroom; please pick up after yourself.
Daily procedures Classmates will work together with civility, patience, and respect.(If lessons are needed, Mrs. Dyer will facilitate.) Number one rule of communication? EYE CONTACT When the facilitator is speaking, make eye contact and listen. Plagiarism is unacceptable in the real world and in this classroom. Skills learned in this classroom will prepare each participant for 1) work 2)technical school 3) college. Thus, it is imperative that you take the responsibility to decide how you can use each skill for your future. Classmates will work together with civility, patience, and respect.(If lessons are needed, Mrs. Dyer will facilitate.) Number one rule of communication? EYE CONTACT When the facilitator is speaking, make eye contact and listen. Plagiarism is unacceptable in the real world and in this classroom. Skills learned in this classroom will prepare each participant for 1) work 2)technical school 3) college. Thus, it is imperative that you take the responsibility to decide how you can use each skill for your future.
Daily procedures Mr. Maynord has instructed teachers to keep students in the classroom. Please do not ask me to leave the room except for an emergency.All students have 5 min. between classes. Please take care of your needs during that time. Time spent in the guidance office will count against class time.Student is responsible for work missed. Student must be in Mrs. Dyer’s room one half of the class period to be counted present. Mr. Maynord has instructed teachers to keep students in the classroom. Please do not ask me to leave the room except for an emergency.All students have 5 min. between classes. Please take care of your needs during that time. Time spent in the guidance office will count against class time.Student is responsible for work missed. Student must be in Mrs. Dyer’s room one half of the class period to be counted present.
daily procedures Excessive and inappropriate talking during read or study time, during student-teacher conference time and during teacher or student presentations is a class disruption. Mrs. Dyer will not condone disruptions to the learning process. Students who cause disruptions to the learning process will participate in behavioral modifications. Excessive and inappropriate talking during read or study time, during student-teacher conference time and during teacher or student presentations is a class disruption. Mrs. Dyer will not condone disruptions to the learning process. Students who cause disruptions to the learning process will participate in behavioral modifications.
Daily procedures First five minutes of class: click in,take care of absentee or tardies, check planner for day’s activity, get your materials together for the lesson, sign out computer. Next 35 minutes: be attentive and participate in the class activities. Last five minutes: update planner,turn in work,put up materials or technology, sign in computer. Computer use by permission only. Always sign in and out for computer use. First five minutes of class: click in,take care of absentee or tardies, check planner for day’s activity, get your materials together for the lesson, sign out computer. Next 35 minutes: be attentive and participate in the class activities. Last five minutes: update planner,turn in work,put up materials or technology, sign in computer. Computer use by permission only. Always sign in and out for computer use.
daily procedures Materials and Supplies needed Daily planner for school year (this does not need to be purchased; plenty of free planners from banks and other businesses. One may also print a planner.) Three colors of highlighters Notebook paper blue or black ink pen Three ring binder (one inch or greater) Post-it notes Nerd stick or blank CD+RW and DVD+RW ( I will tell students when to bring a disk. Please have these available. Once a disk is removed from the classroom, it cannot return. Students will place all finished work completed on computers on the disks. Students will take disks home at the end of the school year). Daily planner for school year (this does not need to be purchased; plenty of free planners from banks and other businesses. One may also print a planner.) Three colors of highlighters Notebook paper blue or black ink pen Three ring binder (one inch or greater) Post-it notes Nerd stick or blank CD+RW and DVD+RW ( I will tell students when to bring a disk. Please have these available. Once a disk is removed from the classroom, it cannot return. Students will place all finished work completed on computers on the disks. Students will take disks home at the end of the school year).
daily procedures Make-up work : Mrs. Dyer keeps her weekly assignments on her Class Pages. Go to the SCHS website ➡ Faculty & Staff ➡ Connie Dyer ➡ Class Pages ➡ Assignments Students who are absent, in ISS, in Alternative school or homebound should get assignments from Mrs. Connie Dyer’s Class Pages. You may me from this site but Mrs. Dyer cannot you back from Class Pages. Make-up work : Mrs. Dyer keeps her weekly assignments on her Class Pages. Go to the SCHS website ➡ Faculty & Staff ➡ Connie Dyer ➡ Class Pages ➡ Assignments Students who are absent, in ISS, in Alternative school or homebound should get assignments from Mrs. Connie Dyer’s Class Pages. You may me from this site but Mrs. Dyer cannot you back from Class Pages.
Questions? Use the arrow/pointer to indicate items on the monitor, not your fingers