Modern Family S02E03 “Earthquake”
The Phrasal Verbs Take it down (a notch) (int) – to become quieter or calmer You are too loud. Can you take it down a notch? Call for (non) – to telephone sb for st It’s raining. Can you call for a taxi? Pay for (sop) – to pay Let me pay for lunch. Recover from (non) – to recover because of some problem I recovered from that cold very quickly. Mad at (non) – to be angry at sb or st I am really mad at my father. Be done with – to quit I’m done with this job! Take it down a notch Call for Paid for Recovering from Mad at Be Done be Bad for Dawned on sb Be Coined by Cover for Deal with Sweep up Fall through Put on st Problem with Lie down Be Terriffied of Figure out Get into Look down at Be out of st Puzzle out Based on Tell on Go on Sit out Break out Baby st Make a big deal (out of) To lose sb Sb is Gone Dog sb Grounded Chew sb ear off
The Phrasal Verbs Bad for (int) Dawn on sb (non) – when sb realizes st McDonalds is really bad for your health. Dawn on sb (non) – when sb realizes st It just dawned on me that I have a test tomorrow. Be coined by (non) – to be named by sb The name “Korea” was coined by Cover for (non) I’m leaving early. If the teacher asks, cover for me and tell him I’m in the bathroom. Deal with How can I deal with bad students? Sweep up (int) – to sweep with a broom Please sweep up the broken glass. Take it down a notch Call for Paid for Recovering from Mad at Be Done be Bad for Dawned on sb Be Coined by Cover for Deal with Sweep up Fall through Put on st Problem with Lie down Be Terriffied of Figure out Get into Look down at Be out of st Puzzle out Based on Tell on Go on Sit out Break out Baby st Make a big deal (out of) To lose sb Sb is Gone Dog sb Grounded Chew sb ear off
The Phrasal Verbs Fall through (non) – to go through something by breaking it The floor was old, so he fell through and got hurt. Put on st (non) – to host st (such as an event) What kind of party will you put on this summer? Lie down (int) – to lay, to rest If you are tired, just lie down. Be terrified of (non) – to be afraid of I am terrified of spiders. Figure out (sop) – to find the answer or to understand I haven’t figured out how to open this box. Take it down a notch Call for Paid for Recovering from Mad at Be Done be Bad for Dawned on sb Be Coined by Cover for Deal with Sweep up Fall through Put on st Problem with Lie down Be Terriffied of Figure out Get into Look down at Be out of st Puzzle out Based on Tell on Go on Sit out Break out Baby st Make a big deal (out of) To lose sb Sb is Gone Dog sb Grounded Chew sb ear off
The Phrasal Verbs Get into (sop) – to obtain access to, usually sneakily How can we get into Shinsaegae after midnight? Look down at/on (non) – have a low/bad opinion of sb/st He always looks down on poor people. Be out of st (non) – to not have an item of st We can’t make kimbap, we’re out of rice. Puzzle out (sop) – to figure out I have been puzzling this out for a while, but I still can’t remember where I parked. Based on (sop) – comes from This book is based on lies. Tell on (non) – report sb to an authority If you hit me again, I’m going to tell on you. Take it down a notch Call for Paid for Recovering from Mad at Be Done be Bad for Dawned on sb Be Coined by Cover for Deal with Sweep up Fall through Put on st Problem with Lie down Be Terriffied of Figure out Get into Look down at Be out of st Puzzle out Based on Tell on Go on Sit out Break out Baby st Make a big deal (out of) To lose sb Sb is Gone Dog sb Grounded Chew sb ear off
The Idioms and Other Expressions The Phrasal Verbs Go on (int) – to continue He went on and on until we told him to stop talking. Sit out (sop) – to not take part in st I’m too tired to go to the party. I’ll sit this one out. Break out (non) – to escape We need to break out of this prison! Baby st – to take st slowly When learning to swim, don’t baby it. Just go! Make a big deal (out of) I don’t like to make a big deal out of being rich. The Idioms and Other Expressions Take it down a notch Call for Paid for Recovering from Mad at Be Done be Bad for Dawned on sb Be Coined by Cover for Deal with Sweep up Fall through Put on st Problem with Lie down Be Terriffied of Figure out Get into Look down at Be out of st Puzzle out Based on Tell on Go on Sit out Break out Baby st Make a big deal (out of) To lose sb Sb is Gone Dog sb Grounded Chew sb ear off
The Idioms and Other Expressions To lose sb / sb be gone – to be dead Doctor: “I’m sorry. We lost your mother.” Doctor: “I’m sorry. She’s gone.” Dog sb – to follow sb annoyingly Uh! She was dogging me all day. Grounded – a punishment in which one cannot leave their room or home except for school. Very common in the USA. I can’t play. I’m grounded. Chew sb ear off – to talk to someone for a long time. Usually the person “chewing” does most of the talking. I hate when strangers chew my ear off about the news. Coming up Come on Fall around Be with sb Set up Send over Found out Get low on Drive away Slip away Sucked in Be on st Get out Turn out Start to Lead to Be good (I’m good) Let st go …or what? See st coming Hot Not know what hit sb dud