Restore to an appropriate level of competitive fitness Each program must be individualized Programs influenced by Severity of injury Stage of tissue healing Type of treatment Sport demands
Restore of function in the shortest time possible Be aggressive, without causing harm Involve athlete with team Program needs to be progressive Use variety of equipment
Treat the cause not only the symptoms Fail to focus on all muscles involved, and only a single muscle Fail to improve and correct technique, anatomical misalignment and biomechanics
Must be realistic Must be reachable If you dont know where you are going youll end up someplace else - Yogi Berra
Joint stability / structural integrity Surgery Immobilization, bracing Decrease pain, inflammation and swelling RICE Modalities
ROM and flexibility Stretching exercises Muscular strength Resistance training
Muscular endurance Bike, jog, run Speed Bike, jog, run
Muscular Power Plyometrics Power lifts Agility, coordination and sport specific skills Balance Sport drills
Maintain cardiovascular Endurance Should begin immediately X-training- bike, swimming, UE ergo
Symptoms Inflammation, swelling and loss of function Goals Decrease pain, swelling and inflammation Increase ROM Maintain strength of unaffected limb X-over effect Maintain cardiovascular conditioning Examples Immobilization Braces Crutches Isometric exercises Cross Train Bike or pool Modalities Muscle Stimulation RICE
Symptoms Pain and swelling are controlled Immobilization is not necessary Goals Restore ROM Increase muscle strength Begin to work on muscle endurance and power Maintain CV fitness Examples Passive, active and resistive exercises Cross training Bike Pool Modalities Muscle stimulation Thermotherapy before therapy session Cryotherapy after therapy session
Symptoms Tissue repair and remodeling is occurring Goals Functional exercise Sport Specific skills Correct technique and biomechanical problems Restore balance and proprioception Evaluate the need for protective taping, bracing or padding Return to Play Examples Strength training continues to progress Heel raises, single leg stands Balance boards Plyometrics Sport drills Return to practice Return to competitive event Modalities Ultrasound Massage
Overload To facilitate improvement the system involved MUST be progressively CHALLANGED Implement by increasing: Resistance Repetitions Sets Rate / intensity Duration SAID Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands Principle of Specificity Conditioning program are specific to the type of stress applied during competition Practice how you want to perform