Classroom Procedures Mrs. Jordan Computer Lab 313 Lakeview Middle School
1. Wait in the hall, lined up, single file and SILENT beside my classroom, until I dismiss the other class and invite you into the room. (note: this is a good time to get your planner and pen or pencil out of your backpack) 2. Greet the teacher and enter the class 3. Put your backpack in your assigned cubby 4. pull your Work Folder from the correct bin 5. Sit quietly and begin working
Coming late to class Knock on the door Knock on the door Wait to be let into the classroom Wait to be let into the classroom Enter quietly Enter quietly Sign the Tardy sheet Sign the Tardy sheet If you have a pass, show it to me If you have a pass, show it to me Gather your materials quietly and go directly to your seat Gather your materials quietly and go directly to your seat Get to work immediately Get to work immediately
1. When there is five minutes remaining in class, we will collect your work folders and handouts, then we will inspect each row to make sure all areas are cleaned up and orderly. 2. The teacher will then dismiss you to your next class. 3. When you leave, say goodbye to teachers and classmates 4. Push in chairs and take any trash on the floor or near your computer and place it in the trash can or recycling bin.
WORK FOLDER Your Work Folder will be used to keep all your work organized Your Work Folder will be used to keep all your work organized Upon entering the class you must pull it from the correct bin and get seated quietly Upon entering the class you must pull it from the correct bin and get seated quietly What’s inside: What’s inside: –Daily Starter Sheet –Past and Current Handouts –Extra paper and pen or pencil –Grade Check sheet Your folder will be collected at the end of the period and placed in the proper bin at the end of class Your folder will be collected at the end of the period and placed in the proper bin at the end of class
COMPUTER LOGINS User name: student ID User name: student ID Password: birthday Password: birthday If your login does not work, erase, try- again, still not working? Raise hand and wait for Mrs. Jordan to help you – DO NOT LEAVE YOUR SEAT If your login does not work, erase, try- again, still not working? Raise hand and wait for Mrs. Jordan to help you – DO NOT LEAVE YOUR SEAT
DAILY STARTERS & AGENDA Everyday you come to class you will have a Daily Starter question posted on the class website. Everyday you come to class you will have a Daily Starter question posted on the class website. If it’s Monday, you need to get a Daily Starter sheet from the black table and place it in your work folder to answer the questions for the week. If it’s Monday, you need to get a Daily Starter sheet from the black table and place it in your work folder to answer the questions for the week. After finishing your Daily Starter, copy the agenda into your planner each day. This and your Daily Starter will be checked for completion on Fridays. After finishing your Daily Starter, copy the agenda into your planner each day. This and your Daily Starter will be checked for completion on Fridays.
Returning after an absence Pull your work folder and check your Absent Form Pull your work folder and check your Absent Form For web-based assignments check the class website for directions and examples on completing the work For web-based assignments check the class website for directions and examples on completing the work Ask questions about the work after class Ask questions about the work after class Turn work into the “ABSENT” Bin Turn work into the “ABSENT” Bin
Turning In Late Work Fill out “Late Work” form Fill out “Late Work” form Staple work to the form Staple work to the form Turn it into the Late Work Bin Turn it into the Late Work Bin
Submitting Assignments 3 ways to turn in your work 3 ways to turn in your work –If it’s a document - I will ask you to leave the document open on your desktop and come around and grade it –If it’s a project - I will ask you to submit it electronically ( –If it’s a handout – I will collect it
HANDING OUT PAPERS Papers will be handed to students at the end of the row Papers will be handed to students at the end of the row Take one and pass it down Take one and pass it down Please do not throw papers at another student, if you cannot reach them get up and walk the papers to them Please do not throw papers at another student, if you cannot reach them get up and walk the papers to them
COLLECTING PAPERS Pass your papers to the left Pass your papers to the left Students at the end of each row will be responsible for stacking them neatly and checking for names and headings on each paper Students at the end of each row will be responsible for stacking them neatly and checking for names and headings on each paper Someone will come by and collect all stacks. Someone will come by and collect all stacks.
Paper Headings When turning papers in (both paper and digital) use the following heading in the upper right hand corner When turning papers in (both paper and digital) use the following heading in the upper right hand corner –FIRST and LAST name –Class Period –Date –Seat Number
Correcting papers Exchange papers with the person behind you Exchange papers with the person behind you We will divide rows into teams We will divide rows into teams Student check opposing team’s work Student check opposing team’s work Points assigned for most correct answers Points assigned for most correct answers The team with the most points wins The team with the most points wins
If you finish early I must check your work for completion and quality I must check your work for completion and quality Finish any missing assignments Finish any missing assignments Do Reading Plus Do Reading Plus Typing Drills Typing Drills You must work from bell to bell You must work from bell to bell NOTE: no online games (arcade or educational) allowed – NO EXCEPTIONS NOTE: no online games (arcade or educational) allowed – NO EXCEPTIONS
Moving Around the Room Stay in your seat at all times unless you have been given permission to do otherwise Stay in your seat at all times unless you have been given permission to do otherwise Students that wonder around the classroom are not doing their work and create a big distraction for other students that are on task Students that wonder around the classroom are not doing their work and create a big distraction for other students that are on task
Appropriate time to sharpen pencils and get materials Before class begins Before class begins During transitions (between assignments) During transitions (between assignments)
Getting materials without disturbing others if I’m late or the class is doing a quiet activity (testing) When given permission to do so: When given permission to do so: Quietly walk directly to where the materials are located Quietly walk directly to where the materials are located Get your materials Get your materials Return directly to your seat Return directly to your seat Continue work Continue work
When you need a pencil or paper Ask at the beginning of the class Ask at the beginning of the class Bring collateral to exchange for your supplies Bring collateral to exchange for your supplies
Talking During class discussion or tutorial – no talking unless called upon During class discussion or tutorial – no talking unless called upon During class activity – use quiet voices only and talk only to neighbors During class activity – use quiet voices only and talk only to neighbors
Listening to/responding to questions Raise your hand Raise your hand wait to be called on wait to be called on Do not shout out your answers Do not shout out your answers
PLEASE participate!!! PLEASE participate!!! I want to hear what you have to say. I want to hear what you have to say. Make all questions and comments related to the current discussion Make all questions and comments related to the current discussion If your question is off the topic, write it down and ask later. If your question is off the topic, write it down and ask later.
Getting your attention Lights will flash on Lights will flash on Stop talking Stop talking Look at the teacher Look at the teacher Raise hand Raise hand Listen for instructions Listen for instructions Continue working when instructed Continue working when instructed
Indicating whether you understand… 4 - I can teach it 4 - I can teach it 3 – I got it 3 – I got it 2 – I ‘m almost there, but… 2 – I ‘m almost there, but… 1 – What? I need help! 1 – What? I need help!
Requesting Help or Information Re-read the directions – often times your answer is right in front of you Re-read the directions – often times your answer is right in front of you Ask neighbors to the left and right Ask neighbors to the left and right If you are still unclear, raise your hand If you are still unclear, raise your hand
Student Assistants They are here to help me run the class smoothly and efficiently for everyone’s benefit They are here to help me run the class smoothly and efficiently for everyone’s benefit Please treat them with respect Please treat them with respect They have procedures and regular duties to perform, be courteous and they will help you when they can They have procedures and regular duties to perform, be courteous and they will help you when they can
Checking Progressbook It is your responsibility to check your grades on a weekly basis It is your responsibility to check your grades on a weekly basis Have your Progressbook login information handy Have your Progressbook login information handy You will check progressbook every Friday while I am grading your Work Folder, Daily Starter and Agenda You will check progressbook every Friday while I am grading your Work Folder, Daily Starter and Agenda
When a school-wide announcement is made over the PA System Stop talking Listen to the announcement Then continue working quietly
When visitors are in the classroom Continue with your work Be polite to the guest, answer questions if asked Maintain work if the teacher is called away If appropriate, engage in conversation with the visitor
If the teacher is out of the classroom or absent Continue with your work Maintain the classroom guideline and procedures
If you are suddenly ill If time, ask the teacher for a pass to the nurse If no time, go directly to the restroom If you cannot make it to the restroom, please grab the waste basket on your way outside Report back when you are done to get a pass to the nurse’s office
Bathroom Breaks / Water Fountain Bathrooms and water are located within the building You must ask permission to use the bathroom and water fountain Not allowed during the first and last 5 min of class time Water is not accessible all the time so get drinks of water before you get to class
Walking in the hallway during class time Line-up single-file in the classroom Be quiet Proceed out the door, without talking, in a single-file line Listen for instructions while walking in the hallway Walk on the right side of the hallway Wait outside the destination until you have permission to enter
Responding to a fire drill Line-up at the door Listen for the teacher’s instructions Exit the room by the nearest exit Go down the hallway, past the 8 th grade building, proceed down the hallway past the portables Line up on the track field Wait quietly in a single-file line while teacher takes roll
Responding to a severe weather drill Listen for the teacher’s instructions Move towards the front of the room by the interior wall Sit where instructed Be quiet and aware for instructions
LOCK OUT / TARDY SWEEP If you hear the announcement for a lock out and you are not inside and seated when the bell rings report to your grade level administrator
Using passes during class time This is a hands-on computer lab All assignments will be completed during class time and everything has a due date If you are out of class you are not working on the assignments No passes will be issued to “run errands” unless it is an emergency and you have completed all your work (your definition of an emergency may be different than mine) Take care of business before or after school or in between classes
Cell Phones and Electronic devices Keep them turned off and put away unless we are using them for a specific assignment If I see them I will take them Confiscated equipment will be returned to you at the end of the day Repeat offenders will have to get their equipment back from the grade level administrator
Successful Sayings Thank You Excuse Me Please You’re Welcome I’m Sorry
Saying “thank you” Look the person in the eye who you are thanking Say “thank you,” followed by the person’s name Explain why you are thanking them Smile Thank you should be said whenever someone does something nice for you
Saying, “Excuse Me” Approach the person you wish to address Wait patiently for a break in the conversation Establish eye-contact and say, “excuse me” Wait for the person to address you
Saying, “Please” When you need someone to do something or give you something begin your request with “please”
Saying, “Your Welcome” When someone thanks you for something you did or gave acknowledge their appreciation by saying “Your Welcome”
Saying, “I’m Sorry” Accidents happen and mistakes are made When you have done something wrong be sure to apologize Look them in the eyes and sincerely say, “I’m sorry”