Tagore International School East of Kailash
Dear Parents, School has started Online Portal which will give you the facility of online interaction with teachers, online display of assignments, projects, activities and assessments. This will also include the information of any changes in the school transport system due to any emergency.
The online system will also provide SMS facility which will facilitate circulation of important information such as school news, absentee report and change in school transport due to any emergency.
It is mandatory for all parents to verify the online information. The facility to update father’s, mother’s, emergency and SMS telephone nos. is available which can be done by 10 th May You must provide Mobile number for receiving SMS from school. Thereafter, if required, a request can be sent directly to the school office through a hard copy or using ‘communication’ provided in the portal.
On home page of school website you will see a link “ PARENT LOGIN” on extreme right of links bar. Click on it to access the online portal. ACCESS ONLINE PORTAL
You have to click on PARENT LOGIN and it will open a webpage which will ask for your User Name:……….. Password:………….. Session:…………….. User name is pAdmissionno of your ward password is Admission No only. Password can be changed once you login. For example, admission no is 7568 so User Name: p7568 Password is: 7568 Session: 2014_2015
Once you logged on successfully, you will enter a page that shows information about your child. You have to click on personal to see information about your ward. If there is need to change any telephone number then click on edit. Make the changes and save/submit it.
You can take help by clicking on SHOW HELP & INSTRUCTION BUTTON.. Once updated the information, save it
You can communicate with school by clicking on Message / Communication You can compose a mail by clicking on compose. Click on to select list of receivers of your . Click on send to send the message.
Teacher's remark’s can be seen by clicking on Personal Diary. Parent can reply for remarks by double clicking on Parent’s Remarks