Transmutation of Spent Nuclear Fuel utilizing Spallation Reactions John Freiderich NCSS 07/27/2006
Introduction Accumulated Spent Nuclear Fuel Over 40k metric tons Spallation Transmutation
Spallation What does this entail? Incident Particle Target Nucleus Goal: Generate Neutrons
Cross-Section Incident Particles Charged Particles Uncharged Particles
Mass Partitions
Two-Step Nucleon Production First Step Penetration Intranuclear Cascade Second Step De-excitation of Compound Nucleus Evaporation of nucleons and light nuclei Fission
Intranuclear Cascade
Spent Nuclear Fuel Prediction: Enrico Fermi (1940s) Today Criticality Concerns Decay Heat Management Radioactive Waste Handling Seen as Primary Problems
Products of Nuclear Waste Radio nuclides 90 Sr, 137 Cs 239 Pu, 242 Pu, 237 Np, 129 I, 135 Cs and 99 Tc Mobility & Half-lives
Transmutation Transforming the Nucleus Neutron Absorption
Neutron Absorption Induced through Sub-critical System Accelerator-Driven System (ADS) External Source of Neutrons
Chemical Reprocessing Aqueous Separations Remove 238 U and some other fission products
ADS Schematic
Conclusion Exponential growth in Energy Demand Spallation provides neutron source
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