CII Council for Instructional Improvement San Mateo County Office of Education Friday, November 8, 2013
Agenda Welcome, Review Agenda SBAC Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations Guidelines State/Federal Updates Embedded Assessment Common Core State Standards ELA/Literacy Break Formative Assessment Tasks, Tools and Designing Transition Units for CCSS Mathematics
Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations Guidelines Smarter Balanced Assessments
Smarter Balanced Assessment Accommodations o Usability, Accessibility and Accommodations Guidelines were approved and adopted 9/11/2013. o Accessibility for ALL students- ELL’s, Students with disabilities, ELL’s with disabilities, etc. o All students held to the same high expectations for instruction in the CCSS. o 3 types of Supports: Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations
Embedded and Non-Embedded
Universal Tools Universal tools are available to all students based on student preference and selection A teacher may determine that the embedded tools need to be turned off within the assessment as they might cause distractions for particular students
Descriptions for use within the Guidelines
Designated Supports For use by ANY student for whom the need has been indicated by a teacher or school team Recommended consistency for districts (training for staff) Use of the Individual Student Assessment Accessibility Profile (ISAAP) Need to be identified prior to assessment administration
Accommodations Changes in procedures or materials that increase equitable access for students with IEP’s or 504 plans. Need to be identified prior to assessment administration Parent/Guardian Report must be created. There must be documentation within the IEP or the 504 plan with evidence that shows a need.
Both Designated Supports and Accommodations give teachers access to not only a Description but also Recommendations for Use
Notes: A universal tool for one content area might be an accommodation for another content focus. In addition, a designated support for one content area might be an accommodation for another content area. This supports access for all as long as the guidelines are followed correctly
Spring of 2014 Professional development materials that support these Guidelines and critical instruction- assessment link will be available for all users. More info around suggestions of processes for selecting designated supports for students. What is the Individual Student Assessment Accessibility Profile (ISAAP) going to look like?
Support from SMCOE January 16, :00-7:00 SMCOE Access, Accommodations and Assessment for the Special Education Population County wide training of effective utilization of the Individual Student Assessment Accessibility Profile (ISAAP) and how best to determine student need for supports.
State and Federal Updates
CII Assessment Integration 2013/2014 Tracy N. Wilson SMCOE Reading Language Arts Coordinator
DOK DOK Question Stems ELA/Literacy Depth of Knowledge (DOK 3) Depth of Knowledge (DOK 4) STAR/CST20%2% New SBAC (Smarter Balanced Assessment) 43%25% Depth of Knowledge
TEXT Increase Access to high-quality Informational Text TASK Text-based Tasks and Responses TALK Productive Academic Conversations
Vocabulary and Language Author’s Purpose Text Structure and Features Meaning or Message Background Knowledge Big Idea Strategic Instruction Overcoming Possible Obstacles to Comprehension
ERWC Expository Reading and Writing WHY? CCSS aligned units of study Age appropriate and relevant topics Integrated literacies Embedded formative assessment Builds strategies for independent application Formal modules for grades 7-12; applicable for grades 4-12
ERWC Expository Reading and Writing
ERWC Expository Reading and Writing
1.Students should ask parents for help when they need it. 2.Parents should make some decisions for their teenagers. 3.Schools benefit from parent involvement. 4.Parents should never solve problems for their kids. 5.Kids today are more protected than earlier generations. 6.Schools should limit parents’ access to classrooms. 7.It’s a parent’s job to smooth out life’s bumps for their kids. 1= Strongly Agree ….. 10= Strongly Disagree Embedding Assessment Survey
3 Way Discussion 1.Briefly, compare your survey responses 2.Select 1 item where there was little agreement to discuss further 3.Reflect: Were you influenced by their thinking? If so, modify your answers now. If not, then star those ideas which were reinforced after the discussion. Embedding Assessment Survey
Thinking Triangles A Teacher’s Perspective: What is the purpose of the survey and the discussion? What is the Depth of Knowledge (rigor check)? B How might a teacher provide meaningful feedback? Evaluate? C From a student’s perspective, what is the relevancy of this task? How might you extend or differentiate? Embedding Assessment Reflect and Connect
Embedding Assessment Read and Write Reading Activity Reading Purpose: While reading, think about how the author builds their case to support their perspective on parent involvement in schools. Quick Write: Play the believing game… Is parent involvement a problem in schools? Explain why or why not using information from your text Write Me Back! Opposing Text- Swap your quick write for feedback from another person.
Embedding Assessment Reflect and Connect Thinking Triangles A Teacher’s Perspective: What is the purpose of the reading task, quick write, and the discussion and what is the Depth of Knowledge (rigor check)? B How might a teacher provide meaningful feedback? Evaluate? C From a student’s perspective, what is the relevancy of this task? How might you extend or differentiate?
Embedding Assessment 5 Word Summary Post Reading Activity Construct a 5 Word Summary Select your top 5 words Exchange: Turn and compare A-A, B-B, and C-C Collaborate: Select telling words to create a 5 word summary; does not need to be in sentence form
Thinking Triangles A Teacher’s Perspective: What is the purpose of the 5 Word Summary and the discussion and what is the Depth of Knowledge (rigor check)? B How might a teacher provide meaningful feedback? Evaluate? C From a student’s perspective, what is the relevancy of this task? How might you extend or differentiate? Embedding Assessment Reflect and Connect
Embedding Assessment Take a Stand Post Reading Activity 1.Taking a Stand! Place a checkmark closest to the adjective that best describes your view of parent involvement. 2.Turn and Defend!
Embedding Assessment Take a Stand helpfulharmful motivatingdiscouraging empoweringdisabling appreciatedunappreciated importantunimportant commonrare
Embedding Assessment Reflect and Connect Thinking Triangles A Teacher’s Perspective: What is the purpose of this activity and the discussion and what is the Depth of Knowledge (rigor check)? B How might a teacher provide meaningful feedback? Evaluate? C Fro m a student’s perspective, what is the relevancy of this task? How might you extend or differentiate?
ERWC Expository Reading and Writing WHAT? Professional development cohort Universal Assignment Template Appendixes A- M ERWC Middle School (4-8: 3/27/14, 3/28/14, and 5/1/14 SMCOE- OMS registration ERWC High School: 1/28/14, 1/29/14, 3/11/14 and 5/8/14 ACOE- online registration,