Critical AP Exam Information
Sign up for the Celly Group!!! In a new text message send a message to the following number: In the message I PROMISE I will not send you spam texts!!! I WILL send you reminders about registration, payment due dates, etc.
Exam Registration: November 18- December 6 Registration will be through the Total Registration website. Sessions will take place during AP classes Nov Start thinking about which exams you want to take. You can make adjustments without penalty through Dec. 6 th.
LATE REGISTRATION!!! Dec. 7-Dec. 20 Students may register but will be charged a late fee of $30 per student.
Payments $90/exam, $30/exam for Free and Reduced Lunch students January 13 th -February 14 th Online payments accepted. (convenience fee of $3.60/exam) February 3-14 th Cash/Check payments accepted at the Counseling Office. FINAL PAYMENTS DUE FEB. 14 th !!!
MANDATORY Pre-Administration!!! April 7-11 Juniors/Seniors will attend Pre-Administration sessions in the Lecture Hall. You will sign up for your Pre-Administration Session at the time of registration. April Sophomores will have Pre-Administration sessions through their World History classes.
AP EXAMS May 5-16 Mark your calendars now!!!
HAVE QUESTIONS??? NEED MORE INFO??? Reference the AP Testing webpage from the DISD site: Guyer High School Student Services AP Testing Information Ms. Chesnut at Text a celly question to Start the message followed by your question.