Third Grade Expectations at Highland Elementary School with Mrs. Crane
Methods of communication Planner-nightly Newsletters (teacher)- every Thursday (P.T.O.)- Signed paper’s- every Thursday Notes- either in planner or sent in “Homework Folder” Voice mail- Call school and ask for specific teacher’s voice mail.
How to reach our websites: Go to the Madison County School District Website at Go to Schools (The blue hyperlink at the top.) Click on School Web Sites Click on Highland Elementary School Click on teacher’s name We will begin to post the newsletters, and other important information on there for you to use.
Classroom Rules: 1. Follow directions the first time they are given. 2. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself. 3. Stay in your seat unless you have permission to do otherwise. 4. Stay on task at all times. 5. Keep up with supplies and assignments. 6. Raise your hand for permission to speak out unless you have permission to do otherwise. 7. Keep a positive attitude.
Class Schedules: Library Flex Times: 7:45 – 8:00. Crane: Monday Library 1:10-1:50 Tuesday P.E. 12:30-1:10 Wednesday Music 1:10-1:50 Thursday Music 12:30-1:10 (A: Week) P.E. (B: Week) Friday Computer 12:30-1:10
Items you should see every day! Planner Take Home Folder-green folder (Homework sheets i.e. spelling, language, math) Reading book Vocabulary spiral
Books we will be using: Reading – Trophies (2), Scott Foresman (6), Castles of Sand (1), On the Horizon (1) Houghton Mifflin English (1) possibly (1) workbook EnVision Math (1) hardback text (1) workbook – Students will get password and user identification Harcourt Science (1) Wordly Wise workbook (1) EZ Grammar
Homework Policy: Written homework should never take more than thirty minutes. I give them time to work on homework in class after they finish their class work. We assign students things that you can look for on a regular basis, as well as: Projects and extra credit work. You are a vital part of your child’s education and we need your help: checking over your child’s homework (accuracy and completion), reading to and with you child, and providing a quiet place with assistance as your child learns how to study. WE NEED YOU TO BE OUR GREATEST CHEERLEADERS FOR THE CHILDREN!
Websites: Study for reading stories in Trophies: quia story title quiz story title
Regular Reading/Language Arts Assignments: Monday- Complete definitions, read story of the week, math practice and study spelling words. Tuesday- Study spelling, vocabulary words, and math practice. Wednesday- Usually no written assignments; read and study for comprehension and vocabulary test. Thursday-Study for spelling, language tests and math practice. Friday- None- You are more than welcome to let your child write their definitions ahead of time, &/or study.
Vocabulary definitions- Word- (pronunciation guide) part of speech, definitions, sample sentence.
“Signed Paper’s Folder” Your child’s folder will be sent home every Thursday!! Your child’s graded papers will be in the folder along with the weekly newsletter, and any information you may need for the week. Please sign and return the folder with the papers on Friday. These grades will be placed on Active Parent no later than the following Monday afternoon.
Lunch Please do not send any items to school that must be heated/refrigerated. Students will keep up with their own lunch money. need to be kept current. You may check your child’s account balance & pay on-line. Students may purchase only one extra item per day. The cafeteria offers chips, drinks, a slush, and even ice cream. Cost- Breakfast $1.50 Lunch $2.50
Absentees & Tardies Any time a student is absent, they must return to school with either a note from a doctor or a parent concerning the child’s absence. Otherwise the absence will not be excused. If your child is tardy you must bring them inside and sign them in at the office.
Grades/Promotion Grading Scale Promotion Requirements A B C D F 64-Below Student must make a yearly average of 65 or higher in the following subject areas: Reading Language Arts Math
Items to place on your calendars: August 28 th PTO meeting at 6:00 August 31 st Spirit Cart September 3 rd No School – Labor Day September 6 th Picture Day September 24 th – 28 th Spirit Week September 27 th RHS – Community Homecoming Parade September 28 th RHS Homecoming
Arrival & Dismissals Students may beginning arriving at school at 7:00 a.m. Students will be counted tardy after 7:30 a.m. Please make sure your child knows how they will be getting home each day. Any changes in transportation must be written by a parent and signed by the principal.
Accelerated Reading Your child will be expected to earn 3o points each term. They must make an 80% accuracy for the points to count. This will be used as a test grade.
Scholastic Books Your child will be given the opportunity to order from Scholastic Book Clubs. We hope that you will please order books for your child. As you know reading is then great way to ensure you child’s success in school! Every time you order and you order online, our class will receive a free book! I will send home soon! Class access code: GYRB4
Study Island Homework Assignments/ Assessments Madison County School District pays for every student to have access to Study Island at home. It is aligned with the Mississippi Frameworks and Common Core. Your child will be expected to work through the third grade level on Study Island this year. He / she will be given time at school to access this program (classroom & computer lab).