LABORATORY GROWN MEAT Animal Science Flannery Lucas Monday, March 10, 2014
WHAT IS LABORATORY GROWN MEAT? Based on stem cell technology Not a new idea Culture of skeletal muscle In vitro
LAB-GROWN BEEF TASTE TEST: ‘ALMOST’ LIKE A BURGER Washington Post article from August 5, 2013 Environmental impact of traditional meat production Research scientist’s expectations Taste test Journal of Meat Science article: Cultured Meat from Stem Cells: Challenges & Prospects Need for meat alternative Requirements for meat alternative Acknowledgement of further research
CHALLENGES Cost 140 grams = $330, Consumer acceptance Inclusion of healthier fats Texture Taste Government approval
PROSPECTS OF LABORATORY-GROWN MEAT Feed the planet Reduce environmental impacts Less land Faster Nutritional benefits Novel products Blends
REFERENCES Post, Mark A. "Cultured meat from stem cells: challenges and prospects." Meat Science Journal. 92 (2012): Web. 6 Mar Zaraska, Marta. "Lab-grown beef: Tastes 'almost' like a burger." Washington Post [London] 05 August 2013, Health & Science. Web. 6 Mar