PowerPoint Vocabulary Computer Technology
PowerPoint A presentation graphics program that you can use to organize and present information. 3/28/2017 Jensen
Transition A feature in PowerPoint that decides how one slide leaves the screen and the next one appears. 3/28/2017 Jensen
Animation Making your graphics come to life by making them move. 3/28/2017 Jensen
Presentation Views Normal View – Main editing view which you use to write and design your presentation Slide Sorter View – View your slides in thumbnail form. Gives you an overall picture of your slide show. Easy to reorder, add, or delete slides. 3/28/2017 Jensen
Presentation Views Slide Show View – Actual slide show presentation, full screen. Notes Page – Allows you to enter notes that reference content but will not show during presentation. 3/28/2017 Jensen
Slide Layout The way all the elements are arranged on a slide. Title Bulleted List Clip Art (Graphic) 3/28/2017 Jensen
A Title Slide Goes First Project Title Your Name, Class Hour (The following slide is a good example..) 3/28/2017 Jensen
Geography Elisa Taylor, 2nd Hour
Introduction Include an introductory slide Use a bullet for major concepts Like an agenda (The following slide is a good example) 3/28/2017 Jensen
Introduction Culture Traditions Foods Flag Interesting Facts 3/28/2017 Jensen
Design Layout This should compliment Theme Audience Content The following slide is a bad example 3/28/2017 Jensen
The Creatures of the Desert Geography Elisa Taylor, 2nd Hour
7 x 7 Rule Seven words per line, or less Seven bullets per slide, or less Add an additional slide, if necessary Too many words are distracting Be brief Font at least 18 point, but use 24 point or larger when possible 3/28/2017 Jensen
7 x 7 Rule Creating a slide that has too many lines is often very distracting, difficult to read, and slows the flow of the presentation. You will want to be sure to follow this rule. If you don’t, you will lose points! 3/28/2017 Jensen
Graphics Apply appropriate graphics to your PowerPoint I Love Summer! 3/28/2017 Jensen
Apply animation where appropriate 3/28/2017 Jensen
Spelling & Grammar Dount fore get too spel chek AND Prof reed ure prezuntashon! Don't forget to spell check Proofread your presentation! 3/28/2017 Jensen
Summary Include a summary slide Bullet main points Very similar to the Introduction Slide Place before the Closing Slide Always include a Reference Slide Be accurate and factual (DON’T PLAGIARIZE!) 3/28/2017 Jensen
Closing Slide Similar to Title Slide Change layout Add something related to presentation NOT – The end NOT – Thanks for watching 3/28/2017 Jensen
References Bower, K. W. (1996). Ethics and Computing. Computer Society Press. Hilton, T. (2002, October 23). Ethics Teaching Module. Retrieved from Utah State University. 3/28/2017 Jensen