CSLI Service Learning – Final Meeting, Fall 2012 Review the process Review the findings Analyze - Hypotheses
Questionnaire issues - questions - Did some questions give you more problems than others? Clarity Public constantly asked for restatement Vagueness of what is being asked Did the respondents seem to think that the questions were generally interesting? Did the respondents think that the survey was too long or short? Other suggestions? Review the process - 1
Public receptivity Were you surprised by how easy/hard it was to obtain a completion? Problems with phone numbers? Idle chatter from respondents? Bias among interviewers? Partial completions? Other suggestions Review the process - 3
County: Right or Wrong Direction? Spring ‘99 to Fall ‘13
Right/Wrong Direction –County, State, Nation, Respondent LevelsDem.Rep.Unaffiliated Sp ‘13Fa ‘13Sp ‘13Fa ‘13Sp ‘13Fa ‘13 County State Nation
Most Important Problem: Fall 2006 to Fall 2013 Economy continues drop as problem in March 2013
Economic Conditions: (% excellent+good) County vs. Maryland and USA
Cost of living indicators
Other economic indicators
Economic Conditions over the next 12 Months Spring 2013BetterSameWorseUnsure/N A Total Economic growth Unemployment Inflation Your personal financial situation
County Infrastructure Priorities HighMediumLowUnsure/NA Rebuilding or replacing the schools in your community Rebuilding or replacing the roads servicing your community Providing additional public transportation options to your community Rebuilding or replacing police or fire stations servicing your community Rebuilding or improving facilities at Anne Arundel Community College Providing additional recreational access to the Chesapeake Bay Rebuilding or replacing the police training academy Rebuilding or replacing the current computer and system used by the county Rebuilding or replacing your local library Rebuilding or replacing public parks used by your community
County Problems – Better, Same, Worse over Last Year ProblemGotten better Stayed about the same Gotten worse Unsure/ NA Improving the academic performance of our children Improving the environment Improving the overall quality of life in our County Improving ethics in government Controlling crime Planning growth and development Improving the efficiency of local government Improving the local economy Reducing poverty and homelessness Reducing traffic congestion Keeping taxes low Average
Phrase Public StudentsP-S Good reputation Affordable Community oriented Wide selection of courses Friendly staff Top notch professors Helpful for advancing my career Good selection of course times F osters good citizenship Technologically on the cutting edge Provides students with “real –world” experiences Total AACC Image and Rating RatingPublic StudentsP-S Excellent Good Okay Poor 101 No answer 1155 Total
Mental Health Services 16% with experience (22% students) Description Agree Stds AgreeDisagreeNo knowledge No answer Services are accessible and easily available Services are affordable Services are high quality Providers are compassionate
Presidential job approval Fall 2007 to Fall 2013
Presidential Job Approval by Party Registration Fall 2009 to Fall 2013
Trust in Political Parties
Exercise: Develop Hypotheses 1.Identify a dependent variable – attitude, preference 2.Identify an independent variable – a social/demographic characteristic 3.Specify a likely relationship between the two based on a “theory” or hunch you have about people and attitudes