The project started with the Health Questionnaire for pupils. The results of the Questionnaire can be seen in
The pupils made their own health booklets at school. The summary of averages and examples is seen at the website.
HOLLAND: A fruitday once a week A sport passport for pupils to increase their activity NORTHERN IRELAND Walking to school Growing vegetables to encourage children to eat them The children help to prepare their own snack
NORWAY: Small physical movements between the lessons Schoolday starts with a light massage for shoulders Walk or cycle to school->Reward for the most active pupil or/and class SPAIN: Pay attention to breakfast in order to stay active the whole day.
AUSTRIA: During the lessons pupils are adviced to drink water. More emphasis on outdoor learning activities. Nordic walking with reflective discussion and problem solving. FINLAND: To eat healthy and well-balanced breakfast and warm lunch. Active playing and moving during breaks. To sleep at least ten hours per night.
DENMARK: An individual schedule board for each pupil, where they can give "happy - sad - or plain straight smiley” - stickers to comment on their day at school. Afterwards a discussion with their teacher. The good chair: One pupil sits in “the good chair" and the other pupils have to give him comments. They can only give positive and good comments. They have to say something about what this pupil is good at. Next day it is another pupil´s turn to be sitting in "the good chair".
During the second project year we have had theme day of every country. Theme day activities: photos and videos stories and fairytales songs and games crafts and tasks
We have collected typical games and sport activities from every participant country. Collection can be seen on DVD.
The interactive dictionary is a dictionary of seven languages: Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, German, Norwegian and Spanish. You can listen to all the words from seven themes: colours, numbers, animals, school, family, hobbies and food The pictures and pronounciations were created by pupils.
Chart-DVD is a collection of partner schools and their surroundings including photos, songs and videos.