Getting to Know Mr. Hansen School Year
Education runs in my family. My mother was an educator. My father is currently a junior high resource teacher. My brother is currently a junior high administrator. Both of my grandfathers were educators.
My Family My wife Tiffany.
My daughter McKayla
My son Hyrum.
My son Ephraim.
And we have a little girl on the way!
Last Summer, I put in a sprinkling system. (Not so much fun.)
This summer we went to Zion National Park and hiked the Subway.
It was awesome!
And I built a grape arbor and a chicken coop.
Useless Facts about Mr. Hansen #1. I love gravy. This is what kids bring me during Teacher Appreciation Week.
#2. I love Calvin and Hobbes.
#3. I love the outdoors.
#4. I love to draw.
#6. I love building things out of wood. #5. I love to play sports.
#7. I lived in Japan for 2 years and I can speak Japanese.
My Experience B.A. from U of U in Elementary Ed. ESL Endorsed Masters of Elementary Ed. From National University. Currently attending Utah State for my Administrative License.
I have worked for the District since 2003 in a variety of positions.
I am currently the Assistant Principal at Cook Elementary and Kaysville Elementary.
Educational Philosophy Accountability & Responsibility Promote Creativity Develop Friendships Encourage Hard Work & Effort Have as much FUN as possible!