facebook Thor Odinson God damn it Osborn, see what you did now? WallPhotosFlairBoxesThor OdinsonLogout View photos of Thor (7) Send Thor a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: The Avengers Political: Monarchy Hometown: Asgard Birthday: Long before the birth of men Friends FandralHogunVolstagg Balder Sif Thor Odinson God damn it Osborn, see what you did now? May 7, 2010 Hercules Norman Osborn to Thor LOL, we’re totally going to invade Asgard tomorrow. April 21, 2010 Thor Odinson Loki, what the hell man. Got banished from Asgard cause of you :( June 11, 2007 Thor Odinson Ok, finally finished rebuilding Asgard. I hope you guys like Oklahoma. Oh and I finally changed my clothes. October 28, 2006 Thor Odinson Finally defeated Sutur. Dad’s not doing that good though. I think he might be dying. June 9, 1983 Thor Odinson Dad’s being an asshole! Banished me to Earth for almost starting some war with the Frost Giants. They were totally asking for it. August17, 1962
Personal Information facebook Thor Odinson God damn it Osborn, see what you did now? WallPhotosFlairBoxesThor OdinsonLogout View photos of Thor (7) Send Thor a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: The Avengers Political: Monarchy Hometown: Asgard Birthday: Long before the birth of men Photos Networks: The Avengers Sex: Male Hometown: Norway Relationship Status: In a relationship with Sif Political Views: Monarchy Activities: Fighting evil, Ruling Asgard, Beating Hercules in fights, Fighting against the Superhuman Registration Act Interests: Fighting, Flying, Storms, Asgard, Friends Favorite Music: KISS, Aerosmith, Rush Favorite Movies: Thor, The Dark Knight, Watchmen, Favorite Books: Ancient Norse Mythology, Marvel, DC comics The Avengers Updated last week 2 Albums Asgard Updated five days ago Contact Information Address: Bonxton, Oklahoma 2 nd Address: Avengers Tower, New York City
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesThor OdinsonLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Thor 7 Photos Thor’s Albums 2 Photo Alums The Avengers 9 photos Asgard 10 photos Profile Pictures 7 photos Thor Odinson God damn it Osborn, see what you did now?