Basics of Civilizations
Prehistoric, Paleolithic people Used hunting and gathering
Ice age then Neolithic Revolution The world was very cold (Ice Age) As the weather warmed plants had an easier time growing Agriculture (farming) was the revolution during the Neolithic time period
Neolithic Revolution The “revolution” is agriculture (farming) and the domestication of animals.
Parts of Civilization Agriculture (farming) Sedentary living in cities Written language Code of law Division of labor
Fertile Crescent Euphrates and Tigris river made the area farmable Mesopotamia was in this location
Code of Hammurabi's It is a strict law code that applied to everyone. 1 st written law code!
Epic of Gilgamesh 1 st major piece of Literature
Polytheism or Monotheism Polytheism Believe in many gods such as Hinduism Monotheism Believe in one god such as Christianity
Astronomy used by Egyptians Predict, the flooding of the Nile
Hieroglyphics Egyptian Writing, use of symbols
The Great Wall of China Protection against the Mongols
China Himalayas (Mountains) caused China to be isolated (Alone) Just like the Greek City-States
Confucianism Follow the rules obey your parents It is a Social System, allowed for control by the Emperor over his subjects
Mandate of Heaven Rulers kept this by ruling well. Caused the Dynastic cycle, if there was a bad ruler the people would over throw him.
Walls Most ancient cities had these for protection
Caste System Created a rigid social class in India
Indian Innovations (South Asian) Mathematics
The Classical World
Ancient Greece Geography Mountains Isolated Greeks and created independent (alone) city-state.
Democracy Rule by many 1 st started in Athens, Greece Citizens help rule
Pythagoras Greek mathematician who advanced geometry
Hinduism Religion Alexander the Great could have come across as he went into India
Triumvirate Rule by three Julius Cesar was a part of it
Domes Romans used these in their architecture Created and used concrete
Rome Centrally located in the Mediterranean Allowed for effective rule
Fall of Rome Caused chaos and disorder (Dark Ages began)
Jesus Taught Compassion and love toward others.
Genghis Khan Mongolian Raider who conquered parts of Asia Grandson, Kublai Khan, extended the territory
Justinian’s code of law Compilation of Roman laws, created the body of civil laws known today
Byzantine Empire Founded on Christianity The Eastern Roman Empire Continued on after the fall of the Western Roman Empire
Islam and Africa
Muhammad Prophet and founder of Islam Islam spread rapidly after the death of Muhammad
West African Kingdoms Products were traded to Europe, throughout the Mediterranean, and Asia Trade routes get larger and territory (land they own) get larger Traded ivory, gold and slaves
Middle Ages (Feudal Eurasia)
Magna Carta Written document, 1215, Limited government, King vs. nobles Power to the people!!!! King did not have Absolute power!
Constantinople Major trade port between Europe and Asia Stopping point for Crusaders
Inquisition Catholic church created this court, to find and judge Heretics (nonbelievers)
Magna Carta Written document, 1215, Limited government, King vs. nobles
Magna Carta Written document, 1215, Limited government, King vs. nobles Power to the people!!!! King did not have Absolute power!
Serf Poor worker forced to stay on the lords land and work, basically a slave during the Middle Ages
Feudal Contract Unwritten contract between a Lord and Vassal
Crusades European Knights travelled to the Middle East to conquer Holy lands from Muslims. Initially for Christianity, their religion. Effects: – Ended Fuedalism (Land was passed to the King) – Cultural Difussion (Europeans learned to use a compass)
Catholic church Unifying force during the Middle Ages Churches were built on the Manor
Three field system increased crop production; thus, food supply able to harvest 2 crops a year and leaving one fallow (to regain nutrients) First used during the Middle Ages
Vikings Originated in Norway Attacked European villages
Black Death Spread South to North along the trade route Hit Italy, France, and Norway the worst Originated in China
Black Plague’s impact on Europe It killed a large proportion of the population, especially in countries with many sea ports.
Renaissance and Reformation
The Renaissance Increase (more) trade in Italy, less control of the Catholic Church, and an increase in individualism
Printing Press Helped information spread rapidly Saved Martin Luther More then words, pictures!
The Renaissance People focused on themselves and ideas outside of the Church The Catholic Churches Popularity decreased
Indulgence When the Catholic church sells you a pardon from sin. A document of forgiveness.
95-Thesis Martin Luther wrote this to speak out against the Catholic church and the selling of indulgences
Columbian Exchange Exchange of people, goods, and Ideas between the “New World” (the Americas) and the “Old World” (Europe and the known world) Started with Christopher Columbus “discovering” Cuba and infecting the natives with diseases
Columbian Exchange From Old World: Small pox, Horses, Cows, and other large animals From New World: Tobacco, Corn, Potatoes, Tomatoes
Astrolabe Gave Latitude based off of the position of the stars and planets Helped navigate seas and Oceans Islam Invention
Middle Passage Trip of Africans across the Atlantic Ocean Death, Disease, and tight living See photos above, imagine the heat.
African Slaves African slaves were needed for labor (shortage of labor) Brought their heritage and customs mostly to the Caribbean
Mercantilism The Age of Exploration led to the development of Mercantilism There were products and items to sell and find in the new locations found and colonized