By Johnny
Cost – Walmart -$ 8 different workout settings Can go uphill/downhill Up to ten on resistance Trainer-410-Treadmill-with-Bonus-6-Piece- Puzzle-Mat-Bundle/ #ProductDetail
Creates a fun atmosphere for cardio Can play with multiple people Fun and challenging Cost - $99.99 with-mario-kart- wii/ p?id= &skuId= &ref =06&loc=01&ci_src= &ci_sku= &extens ionType={adtype}:{network}&s_kwcid=PTC!pla!{keyw ord}!{matchtype}!{adwords_producttargetid}!{network} !{ifmobile:M}!{creative}&kpid= &k_clickid=366c 1e4b-5d dfd9c83
Cost - $ Increases cardiovascular enduracne Helps maintain good health
Software Controls heartrate/number of steps taken Can link to phone to control verticle jump, speed, calories, etc Cost - $169 -se-silver/pid /pgid
Cost - $ A great space saver, can burn a lot of calories and increase cardiovascular endurance in your own home! and-fitness-magnetic-elliptical-trainer ?site=CA&utm_source=Google&utm_medi um=cpc_as&utm_term=FPS &utm_campaign=GoogleAW&CAWELAID = &utm_content=pla&adtype= pla&cagpspn=pla
My goal is to setup the Nike fuel band to my phone in order to track my calories and fat burned while I'm at the gym every day. My goal is to burn 500calories a day using the step machine, treadmill, elliptical, and Nintendo wii.
All these pieces of equipment will definitely improve ones health. All the equipment except for the step machine is affordable. The step machine would be found at most gyms however. Total cost – $159+$169+$377+$999+$99=$804+(step machine)$999=$1803