Recycling Procedures
What Happens on Recycling Day Come in and sit quietly. One student will pass out lanyards with recycling passes. Jobs will be assigned in this order: – Cans and Bottles (Extra Credit) or paper – Driving Do your job. Help others finish. Turn in your recycling pass before being dismissed. All Classroom Guidelines apply!
Cans and Bottles (3-4 students) I will ask for volunteers – Only volunteers get Extra Credit. If no volunteers, I will assign. Students whose names are assigned will help with cans and bottles—no whining, no excuses and no extra credit!
Cans and Bottles--Procedure Gather the 24 yellow bins from around the school. – Use the marked map of the school – Do Not drag the bins for any reason! They scratch the floor. Take them outside to the sidewalk by the greenhouse. (Inside during inclement weather) Sort cans and bottles into bags in the grey containers. Empty all liquids into the grass. Rinse the yellow bins with water (using a spray nozzle). Spray inside yellow bins with Virex. Return yellow bins to their correct locations. Clean up all trash from rinsing area.
Traveling to Other Buildings You must have a permission form signed by your parents in order to leave EHS and travel. Students will travel in pairs. Each pair must have one vehicle available to travel. Clipboards contain the following: – Sign-in, sign-out sheet – Map of the district – List of buildings and contact person for each building. You will travel to the places listed on the clipboard and come straight back to EHS.
Traveling to other buildings-- Procedure Get bags and clipboard. Sign out with Ms Meng in the office. Travel to assigned buildings according to clipboard. Collect recyclable materials. Obtain a signature and time from designated contact person at each building visited. Return to EHS. No dawdling! All paper goes to paper bins in SE corner of campus Cans and bottles go to greenhouse. Return clipboard and self to class
Recycling in EHS Students will work in pairs. – Upstairs academic wing – Downstairs academic wing don’t forget side halls – Office and Library There are 6 locations in the office plus the counselor's area – East end of building – Computer Labs, business labs – All paper goes to white bins in the south east corner of campus. Extra bags will be in drawer at back. Assist with additional duties as needed. Bring something to work on, just in case…
Recycling in EHS--Procedure Get bags. Quietly walk to your designated area. Pick up any paper and newspapers in boxes in the hallways. DO NOT go into any classrooms. Put paper in plastic bags. All paper is taken to paper bins in SE corner of campus. – You may use the wheel barrow. Replace any boxes you take. Return to the room and work on any homework you might have or help if asked. Last person to use the wheel barrow brings it back to the greenhouse. You will serve a detention if you are roaming the halls after you are finished with your recycling job.
Other: Do Not drag bags for any reason. – If you can’t lift it, put it in two bags. – Really strong students: put it in two bags! In case of split bag and spilled paper: – Pick it up and re-bag. – Laugh at the situation. You will feel better… Students: your valuables will be locked in the room while we are out of the room; drivers don’t forget your driver’s license.