Overview of the rest of the semester Iteratively design interface to help people log their food intake over the long term
Homework for Week 9 Do a person food log based on photographing your food and then using this to summarise your intake of serves of the main food groups – Log 2 week days – Log 1 weekend day Write a 200 word reflective summary of the experience – Comfort, ease of use, accuracy – Post this on BB – Bring a printout to your lab
Readings Mankoff, J., Dey, A. K., Hsieh, G., Kientz, J., Lederer, S., & Ames, M. (2003, April). Heuristic evaluation of ambient displays. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems (pp ). ACM. Grigoreanu, V., & Mohanna, M. (2013, April). Informal cognitive walkthroughs (ICW): paring down and pairing up for an agile world. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp ). ACM.
Reminder: how to do the readings Draw a concept map using CMapTools Select just the most important ideas Bring printouts to the lecture
GOMS and keystroke predictive methods for expert users When (fine-grained) speed matters
Overview GOMS and keystroke analyses Keystroke analysis Detailed timing Big picture Predictive methods Benefits Disadvantages Adapting GOMS to newer devices (>1 million Google matches) 6
Learning Objectives Describe the uses of GOMS Describe the processes for conducting GOMS analyses Describe advantages and limitations Ability to perform a GOMS study on conventional WIMP interfaces Justify the use of GOMS in the overall testing of a system 7
GOMS Goal Operations - keystrokes, clicks Methods - sets of operations Selection rules - decide between methods For expert users For assessing speed of use 8
Who: Target users and their tasks Experts – In using this application – Trained in domain – And in the tool Speed of task completion Focus on performance Relevant to the interfaces for the small core of tools that people use extensively – Word processors – Domain specific eg teacher’s software for marks For cases where people have time to automate their interaction – eg using a word processor to write a report, the focus needs to be the report writing, not the fine-grained actions to type words, revise the document etc
Who: expertise needed to conduct a GOMS analysis effectively? GOMS requires expert evaluators – For use of the method – For selection of appropriate tasks to consider Highly specialised – to do well, need to be very skilled – Very tedious, especially by hand – Real use uses automated tools (with their learning curve) However, keystroke analysis can be useful for designers more generally.. Useful for your toolkit
What: usability aspects does it assess? Only for performance speed (Not all those other important aspects….learnability, error recovery, satisfaction…)
How: do you need users? NO! Predictive no users needed …. low cost
When: to do keystroke or GOMS analysis During early design Potentially also when revisiting the design, in Agile approaches When considering what interaction options to implement
Role and Time in design process Designing the interaction methods – eg whether to have multiple ways to do an action Deciding what interaction methods to implement – eg keyboard shortcuts
Class activity Which of the following are appropriate interfaces for using GOMS in the design of interaction – Designing a new element of a word processor (like Word) – Spreadsheet (A: Yes – a core productivity tool for a very wide user population) – Web site for university students to enrol in their subjects each year Specialised software for bank- tellers to handle customer queries on accounts – CUSP – E-textbook
Class activity – comparing methods for pragmatic issues MethodRequires users? Quite easy for inexpert UE-ers? Relevant where UI is for novice, intermittent users? Relevant where UI is for expert users? Think Aloud Y/N/Part* Heuristic Evaluation Cognitive Walkthrough GOMS
Class activity – purpose MethodAssess learnability? Assess efficiency? Assess memorability? Assess errors? Assess satisfaction ? Think Aloud Heuristic Evaluation Cognitive Walkthrou gh GOMS