Human Characteristics of Europe
Long Life Expectancy Men on average live to be Women on average live to 80-83
85% Christian
Low infant mortality rate Defined as number infants who do not survive the first year Less than ten infants per 1000 a year do not survive
Low population growth Population of Europe is growing at a slow rate Some countries have negative growth –Population is shrinking Map Key –Dark Green >1% –Lighter Green.5% -.9% –Lightest Green 0% -.4% –Pink 0% - -.4% –Red > -.5%
High literacy rate Over 95% of Europeans know how to read
33% of worlds GDP GDP = Gross Domestic Product It is a measure of how many goods and services are produced in an economy What does this say about Europes Economy?
Europe has 7% of worlds population The population European countries is about 400 million How has Europe been able to be successful while having a small population?