Goals: To gain an understanding of assembly To get your hands dirty in GDB.


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Presentation transcript:

Goals: To gain an understanding of assembly To get your hands dirty in GDB

C program compilation Overview of the Binary Bomb Lab Assembly basics GDB basics GDB “bug” GDB demo Assembly/C comparison practice

Steps to building an executable file from a C source code file: 1.Preprocessing: the preprocessor takes a C source code file and replaces preprocessor directives with source code For example, #include and #define precede preprocessor directives 2.Compilation: the compiler produces an object file based on the output of the preprocessor 3.Assembling: conversion from assembly to machine instructions 4.Linking: the linker takes the object files produced by the compiler and combines them to produce a library or an executable file If one is available, running the Makefile (using the command “make”) can do these steps for you Alternatively, you could use the “gcc” command

Dr. Evil has created a series of so-called “binary bombs” for you to defuse by determining the password needed to prevent an “explosion” from occurring You will only be given your bomb’s.o file because giving you the source code would make this lab far too easy You will be expected to look at the assembly dump of this file to help you determine the passwords It may be useful to learn how to set breakpoints to prevent explosions Each time you allow the bomb to explode, you will lose ¼ point Capped at 10 points lost Each phase is worth 10 points out of a total of 60 points

movl Souce, Destination Ex: can move immediate value to a register or to memory, can move a register value to another register or to memory, can move memory to a register CANNOT move memory to memory leal Souce, Destination Commonly used for computing arithmetic expressions Ex: leal (%eax, %eax, 2), %eax would be the assembly version of C code that looks something like the following: x = x + x*2 cmpl Reg1, Reg2: Reg2 “relation” Reg1 j mpl Label Could be of the form j “relation” (Ex: j le or j g or j e) addl Souce, Destination: Dest = Dest + Src subl Souce, Destination: Dest = Dest - Src

%esp: stack pointer %ebp: stack base pointer %eax: function return value %ebx, %ecx, %edx: general-purpose registers %eip: instruction pointer (program counter)

0x8(%edx) => 0x8+%edx (%edx, %ecx) => %edx + %ecx (%edx, %ecx, 4) => %edx + 4*%ecx 0x8(, %edx, 2) => 2*%edx + 0x8

Command line debugging tool Available on many different platforms Useful outside of classroom setting Allows you to trace a program in execution and set breakpoints along the way Gives you a chance to inspect register contents and the assembly breakdown of your executable

When setting a breakpoint, GDB replaces the instruction at which you are breaking with the expression “int3” as an indicator of a system interrupt so that the program will pause at that point when it is running As a quick fix, please do the following: Within GDB: (gdb) set code-cache off As a permanent fix, please do the following: Command line: $ echo "set code-cache off" >> ~/.gdbinit

break: sets break point at specified location print: prints a specified variable or register’s value stepi: steps through one instruction in assembly nexti: steps through one instruction, including function calls disas: show the disassembly of the current code continue: continues execution after stopping at a break point quit: exit gdb

disas [function] disas *address info break info registers x/* address: display contents of memory x/ 4x address: display 4 32-bit hex numbers starting at address

(Practice problem was adapted from Professor Mohamed Zahran’s practice exam)