FORUS Bank The Regional Microfinance Bank in Russia Dynamic Development
Mission To provide a range of high quality banking services for micro and small businesses; To be accessible for small businesses in the regions, reaching beyond the oblast centers; To enable disenfranchised micro entrepreneurs to: Develop their businesses Create jobs Improve their economic, social and spiritual well-being
FORUS Bank Yr 1 Achievements 17,000 Loan clients and 8,500 settlement accounts as of 30 Sept 39 Offices 26 Regions of the Russian Federation 1 million USD profit for first year of operation 2,000+ loans disbursed in Aug USD average loan 15 million USD in capital (end of 2006)
Member of the Opportunity International Global Network Largest global microfinance Network, operating in 30 countries with 35 year history Innovative products and services for micro entrepreneurs 810,000 clients 204% growth in outreach over the last three years Equity of $110 million
Longevity and Quality in Russian Microfinance 1994 Opportunity pioneers microfinance in Russia 2000 Fund FORA created 2005 FORA Financed 15,807 clients with 18,138 Loans in 22 regions Portfolio quality during 5 yrs no more than 0.9% over 30 days August 2005 FORUS Bank launched Financing from IFC and EBRD AA- Rating by Microfinancza Rating Agency BDO Unicon annual IAS auditors
Vast and Growing Regional Network in Russia - existing FORUS Bank operates in areas where there are 20,000 people for each bank office!
Profitable Business, Financing Growth
Dynamic Growth (Loan Portfolio) 59
Targets for ,500 Clients 13.6% ROE 50% Portfolio Growth Improved customer service through technology New products to provide full financial service for micro and small businesses
Investment Opportunities
Why Partner with FORUS Bank? Unique growth market Vast Network Client Impact Committed, energetic staff looking for cutting edge solutions combining banking and microfinance expertise Shareholder and board bring strategic international expertise and resources