Three Eras of Earth and Mankind New Earth; resurrected on mankind’s coat-tails (Rom. 8) Fallen Earth, with glimmers of original Original Earth Resurrected mankind Fallen mankind/ Some believe & are transformed Original mankind Future Rev Present Gen. 3-Rev. 20 Past Genesis 1-2
Mankind’s dominion fulfilled; redeemed stewardship of Earth Mankind’s dominion thwarted, frustrated, & twisted Mankind given dominion, with intended stewardship of Earth God delegates reign to righteous mankind Disputed reign with God, Satan, and fallen mankind God delegates reign to innocent mankind Future Rev Present Gen. 3-Rev. 20 Past Genesis 1-2
No more Curse (greater blessing, deeper perfection, grace unending) Sin & the Curse (withdrawal of blessing, or blessing selectively given, plus common grace) No Curse (universal perfection & blessing) God living forever with mankind on the New Earth God in Heaven, separate yet active (indwells believers by his Spirit) God in Heaven, visiting Earth Future Rev Present Gen. 3-Rev. 20 Past Genesis 1-2
Tree of life in New Jerusalem (mankind can eat again forever) Tree of life in Paradise (mankind cut off from) Tree of life in Eden (mankind can eat) River of life flows from God’s throne Rivers & nature, with glimmers of past & future River of life No Shame or potential for shame ShameNo Shame Future Rev Present Gen. 3-Rev. 20 Past Genesis 1-2
Sin forever removed Sin corrupts; its power & penalty assaulted, defeated by Christ Sin unknown Death forever removed Death permeates allNo death After redemption Unfolding drama of redemption Before redemption Future Rev Present Gen. 3-Rev. 20 Past Genesis 1-2
Second Adam reigns as God-man, with mankind as co-heirs & delegated kings First Adam falls; mankind reigns corruptly, with glimpses of good; Second Adam comes First Adam reigns Mankind resurrected from the earth to live on the New Earth Mankind dies, returns to the earth; new life to some Mankind created from the earth Future Rev Present Gen. 3-Rev. 20 Past Genesis 1-2
God dwells face-to- face with humans Humans cut off from God God walking with humans in the Garden Serpent, Satan, removed from the Earth, thrown into eternal fire Serpent, Satan, judged but still present on Earth Serpent, Satan, on Earth Future Rev Present Gen. 3-Rev. 20 Past Genesis 1-2
Unhindered corporate worship Worship hampered by sin Unhindered individual worship God’s glory forever manifested in all God’s glory obscured, seen in glimpses God’s glory evident to all, in all Future Rev Present Gen. 3-Rev. 20 Past Genesis 1-2
God’s goodness forever celebrated God’s goodness known by some, doubted by others God’s goodness known Creation & mankind restored to perfection Creation & mankind tainted by sin Creation & mankind perfect Future Rev Present Gen. 3-Rev. 20 Past Genesis 1-2
Animals & mankind live in complete harmony Animals & mankind hurt each other Mankind names, tends, rules the animals Ground fertile, vegetation thrives Ground cursed, vegetation diseased Ground fertile, vegetation lush Future Rev Present Gen. 3-Rev. 20 Past Genesis 1-2
Enhanced restfulness, joy in labor Restlessness, toil in labor Restfulness, satisfaction in labor Righteousness (intimacy with God); complete righteousness in Christ Sin (alienation from God); declared righteous in Christ Innocence, closeness to God Abundant food & water Hunger & thirst, toil for food & water Abundant food & water Future Rev Present Gen. 3-Rev. 20 Past Genesis 1-2
Paradise regained & magnified Paradise lost, sought; glimmers seen, foretastes Paradise Man restored to ideal place Mankind banished, struggles & wanders in fallen place(s) Mankind in ideal place Future Rev Present Gen. 3-Rev. 20 Past Genesis 1-2
Clothed with righteousness Clothed due to unrighteousness Naked in innocence Mankind unable to sin, permanently empowered Mankind enslaved to sin, empowered not to sin Mankind able either to sin or not to sin One marriage (Christ & church) Many marriages One marriage (Adam & Eve) Future Rev Present Gen. 3-Rev. 20 Past Genesis 1-2
Purification & eternal expansion of culture Contamination & advancement of culture Beginning of human culture Marriage perfect, unhindered Marriage flawed by sin, blame, manipulation Marriage perfect Mankind learns, creates in wisdom & purity Mankind learns, creates in impurity (Cain, Babel) Mankind learns, creates in purity Future Rev Present Gen. 3-Rev. 20 Past Genesis 1-2
Mankind has unlimited, free access to Paradise Mankind banished from Paradise & longs for a return to Paradise Mankind rules & expands Paradise God’s plan for mankind & Earth realized God’s plan delayed & enriched God’s plan for mankind & Earth revealed Future Rev Present Gen. 3-Rev. 20 Past Genesis 1-2