What is the name given to the celestial object below? Do you think its’ orbit around the sun is more or Less elliptical as compared to Earth?
How can you tell the difference between a meteorite and a regular Earth rock?
What celestial object is located approximately 1,427 million km’s from the sun? What is located approximately 547 million km’s from the sun?
What is the name given to the largest asteroid? What is their size range?
Why is the sun considered a star and not a planet or a comet?
The sun like all stars are self luminous bodies in space that create their own energy How do they do it?
All stars including the sun get their energy from NUCLEAR FUSION
The sun, as compared to other stars is of average brightness and temperature
Density? Size? Revolution? Revolution?
/sci/files/2011/esrt2011.pdfhttp://newyorkscienceteacher.com /sci/files/2011/esrt2011.pdf esrt s_rotation.htm solar rotation s_rotation.htm
Sun Spots: Dark Spots are magnetic activity. Them moving tell us the sun does rotate on its axis every 27 days.
What color is Polaris? What temperature is Rigel How bright is Sirius? List 3 stars on the Main sequence How is alpha centauri different from the Sun? What is the largest star on the chart?
Is Procyon B young or old? As luminosity increases on the Mains sequence, what happens to temperature? What is the name of the brightest white dwarf? Name a very young star on the chart What color are the small stars on the Main Sequence?