The Bible in a Year Wednesday Evenings 2007
We missed you!
What you’ve undertaken is very special, even amongst Christians.
Bible Reading 48% believe the Bible is “totally accurate” (up from 42% in 2002 and 35% in 1991)
Psalm 119:97 Psalm 119:105 Psalm 119:162
Tools and Resources BIBLE (1 year is best…) Journal/Notebook Pen TIME
Reading Topic / Date What happened? What did this passage mean to its original audience? What does it mean to me? How can I apply the lessons of this scripture this week? Write questions, key words, and thoughts as they come to you. Write scriptures that relate to this scripture. (by content (parallel stories), by subject (grace, hope, etc), by time, or by person.)
What happened? The first creation story (twice) The first sin The first murder The first family album The first man who didn’t die (Enoch) Genesis: “beginnings” What words stood out? Adam, Eve, “good”, God Spoke
What did this passage mean to its audience? God is in control. God is the creator. Pagan gods around you are meaningless. Focus on the one who focused on you. Life is sacred: God gave all living things breath. Even in God’s justice, he’s merciful. Things are good when they do what they’re supposed to do.
What does this passage teach us? God is in control. God is the creator. Pagan gods around you are meaningless. Focus on the one who focused on you. Life is sacred: God gave all living things breath. Even in God’s justice, he’s merciful. Things are good when they do what they’re supposed to do.
How can I apply this message this week?
An Inspiring Stat
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