Chapter 3
Creation Read paragraphs 1 and 2
Creation Create Means to make something out of nothing He used no materials to create the universe- he just gave a command Let there be light- and there was light The story of Creation Not a historical book- it is an inspired story Oral tradition of the Jewish people
Creation Teaches about God’s power Creating something out of nothing takes almighty power The story of creation was passed on orally to new generations of Jewish people
3 Important Truths of Creation God is the only God, who is the creator of all things God created in an orderly way in order to share His love and goodness with man Everything God created is good
Man Read paragraphs 3-10
The Creation of Mankind Man was made in the image of God Man was given authority over all creatures Man named the other animals Woman was made from man’s rib Man and woman lived in harmony Man and woman are equal in dignity Very distinct in abilities, talents, and strengths
The Human Person Parents of human race were called Adam and Eve Adam means “man” Eve means “mother of the living” Man is made of body and soul Body Made of matter and will die Soul Is spiritual Immortal- will never die 2 powers Intellect Ability to choose
Sanctifying Grace Sanctifying grace is the supernatural gift of God’s own life We originally had this, but lost it through original sin Purpose of life Obtain grace Keep grace Grow in grace Die with grace in our souls Only with grace will we live with God forever This is every man’s goal and plan for life
Angels Read paragraphs 11-13
The Creation of Angels Read Revelation 12:1-10
Angels Pure spirits with intellect and will Choir of Angels SeraphimCherubimThronesDominionsVirtuesPowersPrincipalitiesArchangelsAngels
The Creation of Angels Seraphim Highest level 6 red wings and eyes Cherubim Angels of wisdom Guardians and protectors Stationed at Eden Cast in gold on the Arch of the Covenant 4 eyed, blue winged, presenting a book Thrones Shown in kneeling posture of adoration Dominions Shown in royal robes and crowned with authority Movers of stars and planets Virtues Dispense celestial miracles and accomplish stupendous works Powers Shown with swords Special ability in restraining assault of evil Principalities Have scepters with which they direct God’s command Countries are assigned principalities Archangels Chief angels mentioned in Bible Messengers of God Angels Lowest order Given to each person to guide them and protect them from harm
Seraphim: Highest level 6 red wings and eyes
Cherubim Angels of wisdom Guardians and protectors Stationed at Eden Cast in gold on the Arch of the Covenant 4 eyed, blue winged, presenting a book
Thrones Shown in kneeling posture of adoration Companions of the Cherubim, these guys take the form of wheels of fire within more wheels of fire. They are supposed to hold the spirit of the Cherubims within. (No, I don't know how that works).
Dominions Shown in royal robes and crowned with authority Movers of stars and planets
Virtues Dispense celestial miracles and accomplish stupendous works
Powers Shown with swords Special ability in restraining assault of evil
Principalities Have scepters with which they direct God’s command Countries are assigned principalities
Archangels Chief angels mentioned in Bible Messengers of God *Michael *Gabriel *Raphael
Angels Lowest order Given to each person to guide them and protect them from harm
The Fall of Man Read paragraphs 14-20
The Fall of Man Original Sin Committed by Adam We all inherit it Especially grave for Adam because he lost God’s grace and was separated from God Effects Death Ignorance of divine things Concupiscence- inclination to sin Disharmony in nature Loss of union with God
The Fall of Man Created a chasm between God and man that man could not overcome alone God had to send a redeemer to help save us Genesis 3:15 15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.”
The Fall of Man Why did man need help? Redemption To pay the price for something Ex> To pay the price for sin Man could not pay the price He had nothing of great value Only a perfect priest, with love of God could be a redeemer Atonement Reparation for sin Man could not make reparation for sin- could not put himself back in union with God. Salvation To be saved from sin for God Man could not save himself from sin because of concupiscence Man’s inclination to sin