INTRODUCTION A.Tendency to excuse self for sins --Adam blamed Eve, then God Gen 3:12 --Jewish Rabbis: --Poet, Robert Burns: B.Tendency to pass the buck C.James “big idea” The buck stops here!
II.ACCEPTING PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR TEMPTATION A. Denial of divine responsibility 1:13 “Can’t blame God” Literal translation “No one, when tempted, should say, ‘I am being tempted by God’ ” NRSV Force of preposition “by” God is not even the indirect agent of temptation
II. ACCEPTING PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR TEMPTATION (continued) 1. Because contrary to His nature Hab 1:13, Isa 6: Because contrary to His actions Problem text: “God tempted Abraham” Gen 22:1 Meaning of Greek word “to tempt” Means both “to test and to tempt” James uses noun 2 times in 1:2 & 12 = trials uses verb 3 times in 1:13 & 14 = to tempt to sin
General Biblical Teaching on Trials and Temptations a. God tries people for good purposes Job 1:8-12 b. Satan uses these trials to tempt us to sin Luke 22:31, Genesis 45:5 & 7, 50:20 c. Satan’s schemes can never defeat God’s ultimate purposes Psalm 2:1-6 d. God never permits believers to be tempted more than they are able to resist 1 Cor 10:13
B.Description of human responsibility 1:14-15 Can’t blame circumstances or devil 1. Source of temptation—our desires/lust 1:14 ~~force of preposition “by”—direct agency ~~hunting and fishing language—lures and baits us 2. Sequence of temptation—conception analogy 1:15 ~~occasion ~~lust/desires ~~sin ~~death 3. Seriousness of temptation—death 1:15b
a. When is sin full-grown? ~~When there is no repentance ~~When God’s gift of grace is refused b. What type of death? ~~Spiritual death ~~Physical death ~~Eternal death
C. Description of divine reliability 1:16-18 “Don’t be deceived” 1. God’s consistent action 1:17a ~~gives only good gifts 2. God’s consistent nature 1:17b ~~never changes 3. God’s consistent plan 1:18 ~~for our salvation
God’s family tree Divine choice Word of truth Firstfruits of creation Sin’s family tree Desire/lust Sin Death
CONCLUSION 1.Accept full responsibility for temptation and sin 2.Keep desires pure 3.Avoid compromising situations when we can 4.If guilty, repent and confess Contrast: Birth sin produces with… Birth God gives