Building Strong Marriages Why Is Marriage So Tough? Genesis 3:16 God’s original intent (Gen. 1:26-28; 2:18, 21-25). God designed someone to be the leader and someone to be the follower. Adam was given the responsibility of being the leader. Eve was given the responsibility of being his helper.
Building Strong Marriages Why Is Marriage So Tough? Genesis 3:16 God’s original intent (Gen. 1:26-28; 2:18, 21-25). God designed someone to be the leader and someone to be the follower. God designed the unity in the relationship to be perfect.
Building Strong Marriages Why Is Marriage So Tough? Genesis 3:16 Enter the curse (Gen. 3:1-19). In being deceived, the woman usurped the leadership role of the man, reversing the natural order of the relationship. God’s design for marriage now became defiled and it has been that way ever since.
Building Strong Marriages Why Is Marriage So Tough? Genesis 3:16 Enter the curse (Gen. 3:1-19). Because of their sin, God cursed Adam & Eve and the world they lived in. Included in this curse are the most basic elements of human life, one of which is marriage.
Building Strong Marriages Why Is Marriage So Tough? Genesis 3:16 “Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you” (Gen. 3:16b). And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it (Gen. 4:6-7).
Building Strong Marriages Why Is Marriage So Tough? Genesis 3:16 “Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you” (Gen. 3:16b). And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it (Gen. 4:6-7).
Building Strong Marriages Why Is Marriage So Tough? Genesis 3:16 “Your desire shall be for your husband” – the woman would rebel against her submissive role, seeking to control her husband. “he shall rule over you” – the man would strive to overpower this control, subduing her tendency to be in control, dominating her.
Building Strong Marriages Why Is Marriage So Tough? Genesis 3:16 The effects of the curse: Women’s liberation movements. Male oppression of women. Problems in marriage. The continued corruption of Satan.
Building Strong Marriages Why Is Marriage So Tough? Genesis 3:16 The solution to the curse. Jesus is the solution (Gen. 3:15). The effect Jesus can have on marriage. Marriage can be restored to the way it was before the fall. A wife lovingly submits to her husband’s leadership. A husband lovingly and sacrificially gives himself to his wife. A oneness that is perfect.