ANTICIPATORY SET Read together Psalm 51
OBJECTIVES Who are Satan and the demons? What is Original Sin What are the Consequences of Original Sin for Adam and Eve? What are the consequences of Original Sin for us? What is the “solution; to Original Sin and actual sins?
I. SATAN AND THE FALLEN ANGELS 1. Some angels made an irrevocable choice to reject God. 2. Satan was one of God’s chief angels who rejected God’s friend ship. When God asked him to serve he said, ”Non servium” (I will not serve.). 3. Christ characterizes Satan as, “murder” and “father of lies.” and tempter and enemy who sows evil.
I. SATAN AND THE FALLEN ANGELS 4. Satan’s goal: to sabotage God’s plan. 5. God allows demons to tempt us to test our fidelity and so we can manifest the merits of Christ. 6. Satan is powerful, more powerful than us in many ways, but ultimately is nothing compared to God. a. The most powerful weapon against Satan: The Cross, Rosary, Mass. b. Use Satan’s own words against him, “non Servium”
II. ORIGINAL SIN 1.God gave Adam one prohibition: do not eat of the tree of knowledge 2.This command was meant to help us recognize that we are not the knowers of all things. Our knowledge is limited. We are not God. 3.Satan’s Lie: “You will be like God.” How is this a lie?
II. ORIGINAL SIN 4. Read together Genesis 3:4. What was attractive/tempting about the apple?
II. ORIGINAL SIN Eve “saw “Three Fold dimensions of Sin Jesus in the Desert (Luke 4:1-12) To combat sin we can Good for foodPleasureBreadFast A delight to the eyesPossessionShows him kingdoms of the word Give alms Desirable for wisdomPowerCommand the angelsPray
II. ORIGINAL SIN 5. The Original sin was an act of disobedience. 6. Man wanted to be like God but “God, before God, and not in accordance with God.”
III. CONSEQUENCES OF ORIGINAL SIN 1. Lost the friendship of God. (Loss of original holiness) a.Separation between God and man. b.Like damaging a friendship between to close friends. 2.Loss of preternatural gifts a.Immunity to unjust suffering b.Immunity to death (as we understand death) c.Immunity to sickness d.Exemption from concuipence e.Ignorance
III. CONSEQUENCES OF ORIGINAL SIN 3. Now have a greater inclination to sin and temptation: (concupiscence). 4. Loss Original Justice a.Loss of harmony between man and woman b.Loss of harmony between man and world c.Loss of harmony between body and soul
IV. ORIGINAL SIN AFFECTS ALL OF HUMANITY 1. Adam and Eve harmed all future generations. 2. Adam and Eve forfeited for their descendants original justice and original holiness. 3. Every generation is now subject to concupiscence, suffering, and death.
IV. ORIGINAL SIN AFFECTS ALL OF HUMANITY 4. Original Sin is transmitted through the propagation of the human species. 5. Original sin does darken the intellect, weaken the will and disrupts the passions 6. The Fall is first evident with Cain’s killing of Abel and Lamech’s polygamist and murdering.
V. SIN AND OUR NEED FOR REDEMPTION 1. Actual Sin – the personal sins we freely commit. 2. Solution to Original Sin and Actual Sin: God promises a redeemer. 3. Protoevangelium (the first Gospel) – Genesis 3:15
V. SIN AND OUR NEED FOR REDEMPTION 4. Christ’s redemption is for everyone; just as Adam’s sin was for everyone. 5. Redemption is to restore the divine life in us (divinize humanity).
WOUNDS WE ENDURE BECAUSE OF SIN WoundDefinitionExampleCardinal Virtue DefinitionExample MaliceJustice IgnorancePrudence WeaknessFortitude ConcupisenceTemperance