ADAM AND EVE The story of Adam and Eve explains how the snake tempted Adam to eat from the tree of knowledge. It showed disobedience to God and as a result Adam and Eve were thrown out of the garden (paradise) and would have to endure suffering
Give examples of how people disobey God / Jesus and how this can result in suffering DISOBEDIENCE TO GOD
Define and Explain whether you agree with these ideas of Christianity : The idea of free will - how this can cause suffering The idea of disobedience to God - how this can cause suffering Include the idea of evil and temptation QUESTIONS
Humans will never know the will of God Suffering is caused by the devil /evil Jesus made up for human sin by suffering on the cross so people could go to heaven We should help people in times of suffering CHRISTIAN THOUGHTS
Explain what a Christian would do in times of suffering, how would they help people? QUESTION